Chapter 11

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it was currently 10 am I woke up earlier with the boys they had a schedule so I woke up and helped Kihyun oppa prepare breakfast for them I'm now waiting for eomma and Minji eonnie who will be accompanying me to the appointment I have at the doctor for my check up at 12 

I heard a knock on the door I went and opened the door I saw eomma and eonnie with big smiles on their faces I think they are excited for today I let them in they sat in the living room I went to my room and got my backpack and phone and headed back we then left because we didn't know if we would get traffic along the way...

we arrived at the hospital and started walking to the doctor's office along the way some people whom I haven't met before greeted me on the way, most wishing me luck and congratulating me, I figured that it was mostly Monsta X's fans 

when we were in the waiting room for the doctor to call us in when we entered she greeted us happily like usual

"Hello Dr.Yoon this is my eomma Jae-Eun and this is my best friend Minji"

"hello nice to meet you two" she smiled and greeted them and they did the same we spent some time talking she told me what will happen in this month and what I should expect and do and not 

"now that we went over that why don't we check on your little girl'' 

after the sonar was done I told eomma and Minji they can go so long and I will come soon I just needed to talk to her about some things 

"Dr.Yoon can I ask you something?" 

"Sure you can"

''okay you know that she started kicking and moving now right, what does it mean when she gets excited around one person and starts kicking and moving more than before, but she also calms down if that person sings to her?" 

she smiled and said, "Well, do you like that person?" I nodded shyly 

"Well you see your baby feels it, so they are calmer when you are around that person since I guess you are around the person a lot the baby may identify the person as their father that is why she is reacting that way''

"Oh that explains a lot, oh and the boys and I are having a dinner party tomorrow night to welcome my parents and Minji to Seoul, I wanted to invite you, that is if you are free" 

"I will be there, but are you sure the boys will be okay with it I mean I am their fan after all"

"They are I asked them if it was okay and they are excited to meet you since you are a fan"

"ah jinjja, okay then I will be there you just need to send me the address, here is my number" after getting her number and talking to her I said goodbye and headed out to eomma and Minji when I got to the car eomma told me that they are taking me shopping

so we headed over to Myeongdong underground shopping mall eomma and Minji took me to buy new maternity wear and then we headed over to a store that sells baby clothes and supplies we got a few things and I asked them to drop me off at Music Bank because I told the boys I would meet them there after I was done 

I took my shopping bags and headed in I went backstage luckily on my way I met their manager so I got in without a problem he took me over to their waiting room we entered I saw the boys getting ready so I sat down quietly not to bother them, I quickly sent our address to Dr.Yoon 

"Oh Sunny-ah when did you get here?" asked Hyungwon Oppa 

"Oh like 5 minutes ago I didn't want to bother you guys"

"you won't bother us you know that by now, I see you went shopping?" he asked 

"ne eomma and Minji decided to take me shopping after I was finished at the doctor I tried to protest but they didn't listen my feet are now killing me"

he chuckled and said "well here you can rest no one will chase you around" 

"Yeah that's true"

"so what did the doctor say? is Bean doing well?"

"Yep she is, also found the reason for her kicking like crazy, oh and Dr.Yoon said she will be joining us tomorrow night"

"that's good, and does the kicking have to do with one of us? and can't wait to meet her"

"uh well yeah it is about one of you, and she is also excited to meet you guys, she was scared that she would make it uncomfortable for you guys since she is a fan but I told her not to worry and that it was okay with you all" 

"oh well I think I know who it Don't worry I won't tell him, also that's good we are all excited to meet her, both that she helps you a lot and that she is a fan"

"h-h-how do you know who it is?"

"Oh it's pretty obvious that you like him but he oblivious to it so don't worry the others also knows but we won't tell Hyung"

"oh well, thank you"

after our chat, everyone was done getting ready so we greeted one another and they headed over to stage to perform...

when they were done we went home i went straight to my room and put away most of the clothes we bought today but kept all the baby stuff inside the bag I didn't want to unpack it only to have to pack it again once I move out, since I can't stay here forever and there is no room for a baby in the house I mean we don't have an extra room for a nursery and I am already taking up the guest room, I also don't want to bother them even more than I do now...

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