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(6 Years Later)

"Hyebin-ah ileona" I woke up my Six-year-old little girl she opened her eyes and looked at me a bit confused "We are going to go Surprise Appa and Samcheon's at Music bank today, so we need to get you ready young lady" 

she looked at me with sparkling eyes "Kaja" she said cutely she got out of her bed and ran to her dresser in her room I followed her and took out her clothes for the day I changed her and brush her long brown hair and made a french braid with it and then got her jacket out since it was winter 

"Hyebin-ah eomma left your breakfast on the dining table are you going to be a big girl and eat it while eomma goes and dresses Jaehyunnie?" I asked her she nodded telling me she will do it she then went to the dining room and I headed to the baby room 

I saw my little boy who is now two years old and looks almost exactly like his appa still asleep in his crib I went over and woke him up I had taken out his clothes and diaper just before I went to wake up Hye-bin, I took him to the bathroom and bathed him and then wrapped him in a towel and took him back to the room and quickly dressed him 

I then packed a diaper bag and picked him up and went over to the kitchen I placed him in his highchair then saw that Hyebin had finished eating I praised her for being a big girl and not messing her food and took out her bowl and cup

I took out Jaehyun's food and fed him while Hyebin went to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for me to finish up...

When I was done I took Jaehyun to the living room and placed him in his stroller I had his diaper bag in as well as my backpack which had snacks and drinks in for the two of them I took my key's and Hyebin took my hand and so we made our way out of our apartment and headed to where my car is parked 

after placing both of them in their car seats and putting all their stuff in the trunk of the car and so we headed off to KBS...

When we arrived I saw one of their managers waiting outside he came over to my car and helped me with the kids he was carrying Hye-bin and I had Jaehyun in the stroller   

"They are on stage now doing rehearsals so you can get into their waiting room without them knowing" 

"gomawo oppa" I thanked him 

As we were walking past the waiting rooms of the other artists most came out to greet us, since I started working as a photographer under Starship I worked with many other companies as well and many artists 

When we arrived at their waiting room I headed in with their manager their stylists greeted us, I have known them for a long time as well and I am quite close to all of them and got even closer after I got married to oppa three years ago       

I took Jaehyun out of his stroller and took off their coats since the heaters were on inside the room, Hyebin took her brother's hand and the two of them started walking around the room and playing 

After a while, the door opened revealing their manager telling me that the boys are on their way now, so I called the kids over so they won't go behind the door and get hurt  

The second time the door opened it revealed the boys the came in and the kids went crazy they loved them very much, but when they spotted Kihyun oppa they both ran off to him screaming "Appa" scaring him a bit when they suddenly hugged him 

they all looked a little surprised 

"Annyong Oppa's, Surprise," I said with a big smile...

After a while, their managers brought us food and since the guys have been playing with the kids they are currently sleeping

Kihyun oppa who takes his role as their appa seriously even if only one of the two is his he never makes it look or feel that way is currently sitting next to the two sleeping children and munching his food keeping an eye on the two 

When we asked Hyebin if she wanted to know who her real appa is she said she doesn't because Kihyun oppa is all she needs, so he always treats her as his own daughter and he is really protective of her if you are wondering about their fans well they are like the children's biggest supporters they always want to know how they are doing and if there is ever any anti trying to attack them with hate comments or so their fans stand up for them which I will always appreciate a lot...

and as for Monsta X oppa they all love and care for these two a lot and also to my surprise Hyungwon ended up marrying Dr.Yoon who was my doctor during both my pregnancies and they now have a one-year-old little boy and Shownu oppa and Minji had gotten married last year and she is currently 5 months pregnant so our little Monsta family keeps growing the other boys are all dating or are engaged to some nice girls as well we are all one big family and always protect one another like a family...   

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