Chapter 2

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I was escorted into the apartment by Shownu oppa and Minhyuk oppa i saw the other members and their manager sitting in the living room watching movies but we caught their attention "Omo why is she soaked" i heard Kihyun say 

"Ah you must be Sunny right, welcome please make yourself comfortable," their manager said with a big smile 

"thank you Manager-nim for letting me come visit, Shownu oppa can i introduce myself later i want to go change my clothes before i get sick"

"yeah come i'll show you to the guest room and there is an on suite bathroom so go take a shower as well to heat up yourself" 

"thank you oppa" so i waved to all the members and followed Shownu oppa to the room when we got there he turned to me after closing the door "Sunny-ah is everything okay? i want you here but did something happen that made you come?" he asked worriedly

i want to tell him the truth but i can't right now "oh nothing happened eomma just thought i was stressed out so she postponed my university and sent me over here to come visit you"

"well okay then but if anything happened don't hesitate to tell me okay?" i nodded and smiled "now go and get yourself warmed up, i will ask Kihyunnie to make you some soup" 

"gomawo oppa"

i took my clothes out of my bad it was sweat pants and a long-sleeved shirt and an oversized sweater to hide the little bump i have i went to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower and then dried off and got changed i dried my hair with the towel and when it was about completely dry i went back to the living room 

i saw everyone sitting there but Kihyun and Shownu oppa wasn't there 

"Oh Sunny is back," said their manager 

they turned to me i waved at them and went over to them i sat on one of the couches it was awkward because i didn't know what to say 

i saw Shownu and Kihyun coming out of the kitchen Shownu was holding a tray in his hands with a cup and a bowl on it, he placed it on the table in front of me and said "Kihyunnie made this for you, but before you eat how about introducing yourself" i nodded and stood up

i bowed a bit and then said "Hello i am Sohn EunSun also known as Sunny i am 22 years old and i am Shownu oppa's cousin from LA nice to meet you all, also Minhyuk-ssi thank you for bringing me here" 

"it's nice to meet you too Sunny, also no problem i just wonder what you were thinking about that you didn't even realize it was raining?" he asked me curiously 

"well i think it was more tiredness, i had a 13-hour flight to here and then the taxi ride from Incheon to Seoul"

"ah i see"

"now you Sunny-ah you know everyone right?" asked Shownu oppa

"Ne i do i have been a long time fan of yours so i know who is who"

"and you know who is older than you so since you will be living here you don't need to use all the formalities so just call the ones older than you oppa arraso?" 

"ne oppa i will"

"Good girl now go eat before your food is cold," he said as he was patting my head

i nodded and went to sit down and eat the soup thanking Kihyun in process it was really yummy i then drank the hot chocolate that was in the cup when i was done i got up to take my tray out i placed it in the sink and then washed it so they didn't have to i then went to the front and sat in the same spot again with Shownu oppa next to me 

i rested my head on his shoulder and let out a yawn before i knew it i was asleep 


i felt a weight on my shoulder i looked and saw Sunny with droopy eyes and a while later when i checked again i saw she was asleep i lifted her head off my shoulder carefully and got up resting her head on one of the pillows on the couch i walked to her room and got a blanket and her pillow which would be more comfortable than the one she has now 

and headed back to the living room i lifted her head and took out the pillow and replaced it with the other and covered her with the blanket i walked over to the manager and members i looked at him seriously and said: "hyung tell me honestly why is she here?"

"the thing is i don't even really know the details her mother contacted the company and asked if it was okay for her to come visit she needed a break from things at home to think some things through and make a decision about something but i wasn't told what decision"

"Oh okay thank you hyung, i am just worried she isn't someone who just shows up and she isn't that absent minded to sit in the rain knowing she gets sick easily"

"you sound like you are her older brother you know that hyung?" i heard I.M say 

"well i am like her older brother we are really close and i care about her a lot"

"That makes a lot of sense, hyung maybe she just needs some time to relax that is why she is here?" said Kihyun 

"he is right just give her some time if she wants to tell you she will, but for now some of you made plans and some of you have schedules so you should get ready" our manager reminded us

"but hyung can we leave her alone like this?" i asked him 

"don't worry i don't have plans or a schedule so i will be at home" Kihyun informed me reassuringly


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