52| The Beverly Thrills Hotel Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"I'm leaving." Her attention turned to her phone. It was half past eight. And Jeno had already left her three texts. She wanted to scream.

"Don't leave because of little ole me." Wallace was smirking now. Nothing good happened when a genius smirked. "I haven't had breakfast yet. Why don't you clue me in on your fuckfest over waffles?"

The not-so guilty party just blinked at him. He laughed almost mockingly. "I'll take that as a yes. Meet me downstairs in fifteen. Try not to do it again." He slammed the door, but not before offering Miren a brief, you-done-fucked-up look.

She done-fucked-up indeed.


Miren wanted to break fast from breakfast.

To say that the scene wasn't painfully awkward would have been stupidly ignorant. Wallace sat across the two of them at the four person table. Although he was the one who had suggested dining, he seemed the least interested in eating. Instead, he glared at them like he was a mobster and they were the victims that came up short with his money.

"It's nice to see that you're still with us, Miren Eze," Wallace announced, clasping his hands. Ironically, hearing her full name almost felt foreign, even though she was dressed like a girl now, wig and all. She blinked at him, not entirely sure what his angle was. She had already determined that telling Parker that Wallace was in on everything was a VERY BAD IDEA. They were brothers. And she may as well have been a thot in comparison.

"I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did." Miren played along, taking a sip from her coffee to distract from her eye roll. "Is there anything I can do to forgive betraying your trust?"

"It's not my trust you should be concerned with." Wallace stabbed his waffle before drawing it to his mouth. Miren didn't even have to look at him to know who he was referring to.

"Jeno already knows," Suddenly Perceptive Parker presented, scrambling his already scrambled eggs even further. "And he's dating Olive, so I think it's fair to say that the nature of our relationship is none of his concern."

"Why am I being punished for going to Yale?" Wallace rubbed his temple; for the first time in his life he actually appeared overwhelmed. "When the hell did all of this happen? How come I don't know anything?"

"While you recover from your mental breakdown, I'm going to go get new eggs." He placed a hand on Miren's shoulder. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm good."

"All you have is coffee."

"Coffee is the only thing that keeps my heart beating." She took another sip, not even grimacing at it's bitterness. The drink was as black as her soul. "But if you must, surprise me."

Parker pinched her shoulder before heading toward the buffet. When her eyes landed on Wallace, he was already over his break down. His eyes narrowed against hers again. She sighed.

"Look, I don't want to know what Jeno did to make you run into Parker's arms, but if you toy with him I'll be forced to crush you." He took a sip of his orange juice. Genius fuel, apparently. "I don't care if you're my best friend."

"Good to know I made the list."

"Don't pretend there isn't one," Wallace said. "And for some reason you're at the top."

"What about Jeno?"

"Great question," Wallace humored. "What about poor Jeno? How could you lay with his arch nemesis?"

"I don't appreciate the double standard." She folded her arms. "I've never slept with anyone."

"Neither has Jeno." Wallace moved onto his turkey bacon. "Unless Theodora is an undercover freak."

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now