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Miren didn't need a lecture before detention, but she got one anyway.

"I've never seen someone make Ms. Cowdry hate them as fast as you did," Parker mused from his bed. It was too early for anyone to be up on a Saturday, but he had a soccer tournament today, which called for practice at dawn.


"She's just mad that the late paper hardly dented my super A," Miren offered as she pulled on her jacket. "In fact, I don't even know why I freaked out in the first place."

"That's just because you're type-A." Miren rolled her eyes. "But in all seriousness, you need to stop skipping class and telling off teachers. The new kid charm has worn off, and just because you're acing everything doesn't mean you're academic Jesus."

"I never said I was," she decided, folding her arms. "But you're right. Detention is a bore and I hate every minute of it."

"That's the spirit."

Miren gave him a small smile before moving to the door. "Hold on, Miles. You forgot your AP Calc book." She spun over her shoulder, taking it from him.


"Not to pry, but when do you think you'll be moving back in with Jeno?" Parker said, as he pulled on his shirt. Miren fought the urge to pout. "I mean, I have no problem with this arrangement, but you should try to work out whatever beef you have with him."

Miren tensed. First Wallace, now him? She clenched her jaw, shaking her head. "It's not that simple. I mean, we've made up, I guess. But I think it's healthier if we just stay out of each other's way. Plus, it looks like he has a new girlfriend."

"So he is dating that girl in the picture," Parker grinned giddily. "You have any details? It's hard to imagine any girl other than Theodora putting up with him."

She rubbed her temple, which was beginning to become sore from all of her mental screaming. "...I don't. But Jeno isn't the type to kiss and tell." Neither am I apparently.

"True," Parker decided. "I mean, I'm technically still with Penelope for reasons I don't care to get into, but it's weird to think that he's actually getting some when I'm sitting alone in a room with you." He shuttered at the thought. "I need to get a life."

"And with that, I'll leave you." Miren already had a foot through the door. "Bye."

"Don't make any more poor decisions," he told her, wagging his finger at her like an old man telling her to get off his lawn. "I have a feeling something big is going to happen. Things have been quiet for too long. And who knows how the student body is going to take Olive's video?" he said, picking up his athletic bag on the floor. "You sure you don't want to help with it? I'm sure she'd love your input."

"My memories of Miren are too foggy for me to be useful. I probably know her about as well as you do." It sucked that she was mostly telling the truth, even if she was technically referring to herself. She turned from his gaze, stuffing her book in his backpack. Although she hated to admit it, rooming with Parker was more bearable than Jeno. Except when she realized that he Parker really didn't know her. It would have been insulting if it weren't so upsetting.

Then again, if my mom dressed in drag and pretended to be my teacher, I probably wouldn't see through it either, she decided, refusing to let her thoughts bring her down. Well, more down anyway.

The Class Reject: A Martyr in Maelstrom (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now