Chapter 8

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I can't believe Derek would do something like this to me, I mean I trusted him and it was all a trick to get me hurt.
I choose to ignore him the whole way home, my little payback for him taking me to the vets.
A few minutes later I see the house approaching and before the car even stops I'm jumping out, and storming into the house. Derek following behind me sighing.
"Come on stiles" he said, his desperate attempt for me to forgive him, but like his other attempts it fails.
"How about we go and get you some curly fries" he asked, and this certainly got my attention, I nod my head quickly letting him know I will forgive him with the promise of food.

Derek's PoV

After a while of trying to get stiles to forgive me I'm about to give up, but I have one last thing to try agents him. Food. "How about we get you some curly fries" I ask, this gets his attention almost instantly he nodded his head rapidly to my offer and starts walking to the door. I take it he has forgiven me then.
As I open the door and am about to go out, Scott suddenly appears making stiles jump in fright "grrrr" stiles growls instantly forgetting about the food, but stops almost as soon as he started when he sees its Scott.
"Sorry dude" Scott said as soon as we all settle down again, " where are you going" he asks with a thoughtful look "getting stiles some fries" Derek replies "could you watch stiles please, I don't really want to take him into public" he mutters. " sure dude" Scot replies instantly " thanks" Derek said as he goes though the door.

Scotts PoV

Stiles whimpers when Derek leaves, the door slamming behind him. "Come on stiles let's watch TV" I say trying to take his mind off Derek leaving him. Stiles reluctantly leaves the door with a few quite whimpers as he does so, as we sit on the sofa I realise I have no idea how to keep stile happy, I don't even know what TV shows he likes, or if he's even ever watched TVs before for that matter. " I hope Derek comes back soon" I mutter under my breath whilst switching on the TV
About half an hour later Derek arrives with a bag of fries for stiles.
Stiles instantly jumps up and practically rugby tackles Derek, I am truly amazed even with stiles small body he didn't fall the the pure force of the hug. "Hi stiles, did you miss me?" Derek asked but stiles obviously didn't reply, just nuzzled into Derek's chest. "How was he?" Derek asked me with a smile, "ummm, he was a bit fussy but other than that he was fine" I replied with a chuckle " he missed you lots, kept on looking at the door every 5 minutes" Derek laughed. After a few hours stiles was asleep on Derek's lap after finishing his curly fries, " I'm glad we found him" whispers Derek stroking stiles tail, "me too" I reply with a small smile.

Sorry I haven't updated in 7000 years!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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