What If I Was Naked?

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RECAP BECAUSE ITS BEEN SO LONG, here is what happened last chapter:

"Zack needs to be the one to worry about Mike." Justin said. Zack looks over to Justin.
"What you don't see the way he looks at Eve?" Zack fully sits up now.
"Just saying dude you need to get your own girl" Justin said the last part looking at Mike.
"And you need to get your own man." He said looking at me.
"I see the way you look at Zack... hey here's and idea, maybe you and Mike should go out." Justin said looking at both Mike and I.

I look at everyone and see them all looking at me. Including Zack.
"Maybe you should stop talking shit and mind your own business before it gets you hurt Justin."

"We should just ignore this clown" Mike says nodding at me.

"Hey Mike why don't you slip me your moms number, I here she's single" Justin said back. Mike gets up and walks toward Justin.

"Hey hey hey hey, hey" Case says pushing Mike back.
"You guys wanna go at it get in the cage." Case said.

"Yeah I wanna go at it. Let's get in the fucking cage." Justin said walking out the door. Case and Mike followed first.

"I told him it would get him hurt yet he said it anyway" I said following them out and Tim and Zack followed me.


As we all walked over to the ring, both Justin and Mike got in and got ready to fight. I could tell neither one of them was gonna go even slightly easy on the other, they wanted blood.

"alright good fight guys, good fight" Case said to try and let them know to go easy.

Mike attacked first with a left jab to the head but Justin dodged easy. I couldn't help but be a little scared for Mike. I know Justin as the merciless type. I hate to admit it but Justin's a good fighter, he hits for the knock out.

"here. right here" Justin points to his jaw taunting Mike and Mike goes to do what Justin said but again Justin easily dodged him.

"oh almost. you know what i'm gonna fight like your daddy" Justin starts doing the typical cat fight moves to imitate Mikes dad.

Mike runs at Justin and grabs his mid section in a tackle. He then proceeds to try and punch him in the face but Justin keeps dodging. Justin grabs a hold of Mikes arm and puts him in a triangle choke.

"He's got you bro, just tap" Zack says to a struggling to breathe Mike.

"He aint tapping" Case says matter of factly with his usual blank face that I seem to see some disappointment on right now.

"don't be a dummy man, tap" Zack continues.

"he aint gonna tap" Case replies again.

"Mike if you're gonna act tough at least pull a Houdini and get out of there" I butt in with my big ass mouth.

But Mike doesn't tap and he doesn't pull a Houdini he just lets Justin squeeze his neck with his legs until he falls unconscious from lack of oxygen. After Mike woke up from his little nap that Justin put him in he ended up leaving while everyone else continued training. I was a little worried at first but Mike's a big boy he can take care of himself. Plus its his own fault, he should've tapped.

After training I went back to the dorms to shower and study. Gotta keep those grades up it's not like I quit after like 20 minutes because I got bored. I ended up texting Mike to come over and hang out with me but he didn't respond so I settled for Max, who showed up in 2 minutes which kinda creeped me out.

"how'd you get here so fast?" I asked with a suspicious tone to my voice while looking at him weird.

"oh I was already on my way over to see you" he said quickly as he walked into my room, which isn't unusual for max that's just how he talks and acts, everything always sounds and looks rushed.

"what, with no warning? what if I had been naked and you knocked then barged in as you usually do? what then?" I asked.

Max paused for a second,

"you usually just sit in your dorm naked with the door unlocked?" Max asked looking at me with a blank expression.

"I do what I want in my dorm that I payed for" I answered sassily.

"well then you're just asking for me to barge in your room while your naked then" max said laughing slightly.

"you are a disgusting human being Max Cooperman" I sarcastically said.

"you're the one who chills in her room naked with the door unlocked" Max said and I laughed.

I flopped onto my bed and Max fell beside me as I grabbed my computer.

"wanna watch a movie?" I asked before I remembered,

"oh yeah, why were coming her to see me?" I asked a second question.

"yes I want to watch a movie and because I was bored and people kept telling me to leave them alone about the damn beatdown. Also because you are quite the entertaining friend and I need a break" Max listed.

"Aw thanks for the compliment" I smiled opening my computer.

"what movie do you want to watch?" I asked after I finished typing in my password.

"uuuuuuuuhhhhhmmmm, Adult World" he answered smiling.

"Frozen it is" I answered excitedly, like the child I am. Max laughed but didn't object. I will use this against you one day Cooperman.

Max and I spent the rest of the day watching Disney movies and laughing because that's just who we are, we talk and people usually laugh. Max ended up falling asleep before he left and I soon after, which ended up with two grown people sleeping on one single bed and me waking up on the floor the next morning. I don't know how I ended up there or how I slept through that but I ended up kicking a half asleep Max out of my room at 6 am so I could sleep in my bed for another 2 hours.

Sorry, not sorry Max I need my booty sleep.


So it's been a while hehe *scratches head nervously* literally its been a year since I last wrote and published a chapter. I be turning into blackpink, its all YG's fault don't blame me. that was a joke it you understood that I love you but you probably didn't because this is a completely different thing than blackpink.

Anyways, thank you to those who read this and who have been waiting for this and I am sorry it took so long. I will try to continue and get this fanfic book finished this summer for those of you that like it for some reason.

This was just a filler chapter by the way because it's been so long I wanted to give the people who read this something to catch them up, the next one will have interesting stuff in it hopefully.

Again thank you for reading and sorry for the wait, hopefully it wont take another year to update.

Until next time, ~Cassie

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