Justin's stupid

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Over the past couple of weeks we had been really picking up on training now that we have somewhere to go and hangout that's not abandoned. We did a bunch of combos on the punching bags, we went a lot harder when sparring because of the new mats and the ring, Tim even used one of the punching bags as a big weight and did some sort of lunging with it. We all learned how Case did the pull ups that he does to build upper body strength. And we crated little obstacle courses that tested all of our strengths and weaknesses and used them to improve on both. My personal favourite is the climbing rope competitions we have. It's fun but hard and we get to climb things which I like.

Case taught us all new skills that is different from everyone else. He used my smaller female frame to teach me quick escapes that the others wouldn't be able to do, and my natural flexibility to teach me flips that he turned into weapons. I sorta felt like I was in a gymnastics class until he added in the punches and kicks, etc.. basically he just taught me things that the guys can't do because they're all boys and a lot bigger than me.

Today, Tim, Justin, Zack, Mike, and I all somehow arrived at the dojo at the same time. Zack was trying to convince Tim to join the beatdown as we walked inside.

"You got a good chance to win this thing" Zack said to Tim.

"Naw man, I'm just not interested in entering" Tim said looking up.

"Oh shit" Zack said smiling as he finally noticed what was going on in the cage.
"Dude, is that.."

"Lyoto Machida?" I finished for Zack with a small smile on my face. He looked over at me quickly still smiling.

"Yeah, it is" Mike said also starting to smile. Today is just a day of smiling I guess.

"He used to be light heavyweight champion dude" Tim said.

"He used to train my brother dude" I said. The guys all looked at me for a second unbelieving.

"What's he doing here?" Zack asked. I guess they are choosing to ignore my statement. It is kind of unbelievable, but my brother was in the UFC. Only for 1 fight before he died, but he still won. We all move over the bars to put our stuff down and continue watching.

Lyoto and Case finish sparring and come down to the floor to do a combo before they Lyoto leaves I guess.

"Him and Case used to train together in Brazil" Tim said answering Zack's earlier question.

"Okay so, so dude, what's the deal with Case? Like why isn't he the world frickin champ?" Zack asks.

"Well he was champ in a few other organizations. Max told me 6 years ago he was set to take the MMA world by storm. And he just disappeared." Mike answers.

"Damn. Must've been when he went to prison right?" Zack asks again.

"Nope" Tim answers.

"He was only in prison for 2 years, he got out on good behaviour." I cut Tim off. As I finish saying that Case and Lyoto finish the combination and start speaking in a different language. They do a 'man hug' and Lyoto leaves.

"Hey, what're you guys looking at? Go get ready" Case tells us. We all go to the change room to... well, change.

"Hey so um, what was Case convicted of?" Zack asks.

"You are in a very questioning mood today aren't you?" I sarcastically ask Zack.

"Never asked. He never told." Tim answers anyway.

"Bet it rhymes with cromicide" Justin says.

"Shut up" I say to him. He pushed me lightly as I walk by.

"Dude chill" Zack said to Justin after he pushed me. I just glared at him.

"I saw some old clips of him on YouTube fighting, you would not believe the famous dudes he's beaten." Mike try's to change the subject.

"I would actually, I've seen the same videos" I say to Mike.

"I know, Case got busted for cutting the tag off a pillow." Justin continues to try and be funny.

"That doesn't even make sense" I say to Justin.

"You see his fights with Ray Sefo, or how bout Bas Rutten" Tim asked. Oh I see they're ignoring Justin. I guess that's a good tactic I'll try it too.

"Yeah" Mike answers

"Those were some good fights man" Tim says back.

"Oh what about what's his name the uh the blonde buff brother?" I ask/say.

"Uh, Melvin Guillard" Zack try's. Tim shakes his head.

"No no no he's like half Case's size" Mike says the first couple of no's while I say the rest.

"Sysco" Justin answers jokingly then smiles. No one pays attention to him and he stops smiling to continue putting his gloves on.

"Micheal McDonald?" Tim asks.

"No bigger than him." I say.

"I know, Case got in trouble for copying the hornets game without the written consents of the NBA." Justin try's to bring it back to Case's prison thing.

"Dude did you forget to take your mess or something today?" Mike asks then lets out a little laugh. He didn't look up to Justin when he said this, no one did except for me, so no one saw the look Justin gave Mike. I let it go cuz Justin creeps me out and I got back to getting ready and trying to figure out who this guy Case fought was.

"No this guy uh he's suplex fedor, and he knocked out Mirko cro cop." I said.

"Kevin Randleman" Case answered for me as he walked in and leaned against the door. We all stoped getting ready and looked over to Case.
"Hey guys I just, I just wanted to say, look what you guys did for me with this gym, I just wanted to say thanks." Case said.

"Go easier on us in sparring might be one way to show your gratitude." Mike said jokingly. Zack and I laughed.

"You know it's your temper that gets you in to trouble sparring. I been worried about you" Case said.

"Zack needs to be the one to worry about Mike." Justin said. Zack looks over to Justin.
"What you don't see the way he looks at Eve?" Zack fully sits up now.
"Just saying dude you need to get your own girl" Justin said the last part looking at Mike.
"And you need to get your own man." He said looking at me.
"I see the way you look at Zack... hey here's and idea, maybe you and Mike should go out." Justin said looking at both Mike and I.

I look at everyone and see them all looking at me. Including Zack.
"Maybe you should stop talking shit and mind your own business before it gets you hurt Justin."

"We should just ignore this clown" Mike says nodding at me.

"Hey Mike why don't you slip me your moms number, I here she's single" Justin said back. Mike gets up and walks toward Justin.

"Hey hey hey hey, hey" Case says pushing Mike back.
"You guys wanna go at it get in the cage." Case said.

"Yeah I wanna go at it. Let's get in the fucking cage." Justin said walking out the door. Case and Mike followed first.

"I told him it would get him hurt yet he said it anyway" I said following them out and Tim and Zack followed me.


1260 words.

The long awaited chapter. Again, sorry it took so long to update.

~ Cassie

I Will Conquer- Never Back Down 2 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang