I'm WHERE? With WHO?

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Previously tittle I'm WHERE? With WHO? then tittled I Don't Believe In Luck Gerard and Mikey look like they did during the album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (like the videos for Helena and I'm Not Okay) just so every one know what they look like. Later on in the story Frank will join and he will look as he did in the I'm Not Okay video


“Maycee Williams, how do you plea?” the judge asked.

“Not guilty,” I replied calmly, though in my head I was screaming ‘I’m innocent! I’ve been framed!’ Our lawyer had told us exactly how to act for my court date. This was gonna be oodles of fun!

“Will you tell the court where you were on June 25th, the night of Jonathan Noble’s murder?”

“I was at a family friend’s house. We were helping them move and decided to all spend the night there.”

“Is it true this address is not even two streets away from where Jonathan was murder?”

“That is correct.”

“You do understand Miss Williams, all the evidence points to you,” Mrs. Nobles lawyer stated.

“Objection your honor,” my lawyer said. The judge nodded to proceed. “Even police reports say there was insufficient evidence to prove who murdered Jonathan and until more evidence is found it cannot be proved.”

“Yes. Which is why Miss Williams here currently has my vote.” He turned to the other lawyer, “is there anything else you would like to say?”

“No your honor.”

“Then Maycee Williams is released from custody for insufficient evidence,” he stated banging the gavel. “Court adjourned.”


a/n this is my second prologue of the two stories i'm starting. Please leave comments and votes!

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