Checkpoint and Jordan

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A very short chapter, please forgive me for that!I just started getting back into writing since the passing of Chester, so please be patient!


Egypt, Africa

"Lennox, I'm with the kids. The Kids. You know, the one with the attitude and the one with a killer hook, right?" Simmons spoke into a payphone in some small town that they had to get into, thanks to the local cops. "We need the truck. The truck. We got possible resurrection going on over here. You're not gonna believe where we are. Code Tut, as in King Tutankhamen. Back of one-dollar bill. Coordinates for airdrop, twenty-nine-point-five north, thirty-four-point-eighty-eight east. Write it down. Write it. Oh, my god. I got to go. Okay, Heat comes."

"Wait, who are you?" questioned Sam as a masked man ran over, who turned out to be Leo.

"Cops are coming right now. We need to go!"

They quickly bolted and into Bumblebee alt mode and they were out of town and down the road. Matsuri could hear Simmons and Sam go over the saying again, trying to figure out what it all means. It wasn't long before they hit a checkpoint and Matsuri quickly pulled on her jacket that she had taken off after she got into Bumblebee.

"I don't have my passport." stated Leo as we rolled to a stop.

"Passport!" shouted a man on a platform before speaking another language. He stepped down off something, revealing his actual height.

"They got cameras at the top." mumbled Sam as he spied one.

"All right, chill. This is espionage now. I can handle it." Simmons stated lowly. "These are my people. I'm one-thirty-sixth Arab."

"Great, a fricking Munchkin." Huffed Wheelie as he started to walk towards them. "Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall."

"The Dagger's Tip? Right?" began Simmons as the man stopped near Simmon's open window. "Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family. My son, my other son and my two daughters. We're tourists, from New York."

"New York?" Asked the man in slight surprise...and perhaps delight.

"Yes, yes."

"Fifty Kilometers." He motioned the gate to be raised.

"You look like the guy that runs my falafel stand. Thank you very much."

"New York," The man started again, and he saluted them as they began to go forward.

"I Know. I know you from somewhere."

"Go Yankees!"

"That was...interesting." mumbled Matsuri as they drove away from the checkpoint.

They made it to A city and was very careful to avoid most of it and managed to make their way up to a pyramid that had some buildings around it. The group quickly filed into a rather tall door.

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, Okay?" Sam told the three autobots before following in after the others.

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