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The Moon Charr, Saturn
A Few Months After Mission City

The Nemesis was a ship, created by Megatron's men, on the behalf of the last of the original Thirteen Primes. Here it lies now, on the cold moon of Saturn called Charr. Of course, it wasn't without life.

Starscream walked through the halls, glancing at those blue sacks that held their future. As Starscream moved into a large room, something moved in the middle of it. Two, blood red optics opened and looked at Starscream.

"Sir," began Starscream. "Megatron..."

"I know." A deep voice left the owner of those optics. "There is still a fragment of the cube, I suspect, and that will bring my disciple back. But we need to wait for the right time."

"Yes sir." bowed Starscream.

"For now, care for the sparklings as we wait."

As Starscream nodded and went on his way, The Fallen slowly closed his optics and relaxed. Yes, soon the last of the Prime will die and he will finally rise and claim that wretched sun that was supposed to be his all those years ago.


Tranquility, Navada
March 15, 2008

Matsuri groaned in her sleep, shifting. She had a tiring night that was filled with playing "catch the human" with Bumblebee. It's training Ironhide had said while watching Matsuri smugly. She was sore all over from running and bumping into things the night before and all she wanted to do is sleep the whole day away.

"Matsuri!" Sam barged in without remorse before ripping the covers off her. "Get up!"

"Sam." Matsuri groaned as she sat up. "What is it that's so imp-"

"It's your birthday!" Sam stated excitedly, while Matsuri just stared at him. "Come on, you can't have forgotten your own birthday!"

"Noooo..." Matsuri mumbled. "Are Ron and Judy going to have a birthday dinner here again?"

"Nah, I convinced them that we should hang out with the bots, help them understand birthdays and so on." Sam grinned.

"Now get dressed." With that, he skipped out of the room, causing Matsuri to raise an eyebrow.

She shook her head and stood before beginning to change. She changed into black baggy jeans, red t-shirt, black jacket, gloves and her bandana before slipping her shoes on before grabbing Echomix, who's still recharging in his altmode from the desk, and headed out. She quickly gave Ron and Judy a hug before walking out and towards Bumblebee, who had his passenger door open.

The ride to the abandoned air force bases the autobot is staying at wasn't a long drive. It's at least twenty minutes- which Matsuri didn't mind, she liked it being away from everything else.

When they rolled up, Bumblebee opened his doors, allowing the two teens out before transforming. He nudged Matsuri forward before going into the hanger, Sam following. Matsuri shrugged and followed. Once she walked in, she noticed that the autobots was all together, seemingly waiting.

"...You told them, didn't you?"

"...I told them after we missed your birthday last year..." Sam grinned at her.

"If they start singing, I'm going to blast them." Matsuri deadpanned, causing Bumblebee and Ironhide to snicker.

"You're starting to sound like Ironhide." Mikeala stated as she walked up to Matsuri before giving her a hug and handing a present.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh, shut up and open it!"

"Alright, alright, miss bossy." Matsuri snarked before tearing the wrapping power and opening the white box before pulling out a black beanie with orange flames going around the opening.

"Your bandana seemed like it's getting weathered and looked like it will start tearing soon."

"Thanks." Matsuri took off her bandana, set it in the box before carefully putting the beanie on her head.

"Looks much better." Mikeala grinned, causing Matsuri to roll her eyes.

"Carrier?" chittered Echomix as he crawled out of Matsuri's pocket and up her arm until he got to her shoulder. He's still the same size as he was when he first came to life, Ratchet had told her that he will remain this size but still mature more.

"Just with the autobots Echo." Matsuri told him. "They found it it's my birthday."

Echomix chirped before inspecting the new beanie.

"Close your eyes." Ratchet stated unexpectedly.

"What?" questioned Matsuri.

"Just do it." grumbled Ironhide and Matsuri complied.

She felt her gloves and jacket slip off her and something cool wrapping around her forearm of her flesh arm. She frowned, trying to figure out what it could be. It went almost to her wrist and whole way up, just below her elbow.

"You can open them now." Ratchet told her, and she does and she started to inspect the thing.

It was a metal forearm brace and going horizontal on either side of it is two sets of writing going horizontal. She gave Ratchet a confused look and he was quick to explain.

"It has mine and Ironhide's name on it in cybertronian. You did give us permission to adopt you if I remember correctly. Usually, we would spark bond with you, so you'd have a creator-creation bond with us. Obviously, that won't work, so we decided to it this way."

Matsuri didn't know what to say. She wasn't expecting the two to do it.

"The last gift." Sam spoke up. "Is from all the autobots and since they are all too big to give it to you..."

Sam walked over and put something over her head and around her neck. She looked down and saw that it was a necklace with a small autobot symbol attached to it.

"This necklace is a means of us finding you if ever the need for it to arise." Ratchet explained. "It also signifies that you're a member of our team officially."

"Really?" asked Matsuri.

"Yes, you shall always be one of us." It was Optimus who stated this, optics soft as he looked down at her.

"I... I don't know what to...Thank you..." Matsuri murmured.

By the end of the day of playing with Echomix and Bumblebee and talking and relaxing with the older autobots and his brother and Mikeala, Matsuri decided that this was the best birthday she had by far.

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