Familiar Face

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Princeton University, Philadelphia

Matsuri opened her eyes and she felt as if she was floating. Around her was darkness, not a single sliver of light around. She didn't know where she was or what it was supposed to mean- until she saw what looked like two points of red lights looking at her- no, not lights, optics.

"Hello, pet." sneered the owner of the optics. The body was slowly appearing before her and she saw silver armor, clawed hands attached to one normal sized arm and a smaller sized arm.

"No..." Matsuri shook her head, fear gripping her. "You're dead!"

"I was until my loyal servants resurrected me." Megatron grinned, baring his fangs on full display. "It's strange how connected we are, isn't it? Our connection re-established after I came back online."

"Fuck you." Matsuri snapped. "You're nothing more than-"

"A bad dream? Your imagination?" mocked Megatron. "I am very real. Of course, you-as well as the boy- will find this soon enough."

"S-Sam? What do you want with him?!"

"He is the key..." was all Megatron said before-


-Matsuri bolted upright, breathing heavily. She looked at the clock in the room and saw that she had slept until afternoon.

She took a deep breath before putting the bracers, beanie and gloves on before walking out of her motel room and began to run. When she got there, she saw Mikaela getting out of the cab with a metal box with her.


The said girl turned around and blinked in surprise. "Matsuri?"

"We need to get Sam and we gotta go." Matsuri told her and before Mikaela could say anything, Matsuri was already going inside.

The two walked side by side towards Sam's dorm room and once they got there, Mikaela opened the door while Matsuri looked down the hall, keeping a keen eye out.

"Ex." Mikaela suddenly stated before beginning to walk down the hall.

"Mikaela, wait!" Matsuri scampered after her. "We can't leave Sam here!"

"And why not?" she asked, pissed off.

"Because M-"

She was interrupted by crashing back in Sam's room. The two quickly walked to the open door with a boy right behind them.

"Sam, your bed buddy, Alice-" The boy began to say but stopped when the three saw a long, metal thing whipped around before going back into Alice's mouth, which prompted Sam to scream. Mikaela quickly threw the box towards Alice but she ducked.

"RUN! RUN!" Shouted Matsuri as she helped Sam up. They ran down the hall and outside towards the library.

"All right, come on! She's coming!" Sam shouted before grabbing the boy. "She's an alien robot! You gotta move!"

"Is this real?!"

"Just run!"

They burst into the top entrance before hunkering down behind the desk and the boy began to ramble. "Oh my god! Oh my god! I can't believe I almost had sex with her in my dream!"

"I can tell that you really missed me a lot, Sam!" Mikaela hissed.

Matsuri turned the three out, looking around and trying to figure out where Alice would come in at. It was only a minute when the entrance they came in at exploded and they quickly jumped over the banister and onto the bottom floor. Sam slid under a desk, calling Matsuri's and Mikaela's name just before Alice unleashed a blast. Matsuri quickly grabbed Mikaela and the boy, making them duck to the ground. The three managed to crawl to Sam before making a break for it to the outside thanks to the hole Alice blasted into the wall.

They went to the parking lot before Matsuri stopped. "I'll hold her off."

"What? No!" Sam tried to argue as he began to slow down.

"I'm the only one who could be able to! Now go!" Matsuri turned and saw Alice was walking towards her, transforming into her robot mode. Matsuri threw her jacket and gloves off before starting to run at Alice- who was running at her.

The two crashed together and Matsuri managed to get a punch in at the cybertronians chest, making her go stumbling back.

Alice shrieked and slammed into Matsuri, making the girl go crashing into the ground. Before tossing her onto the hood of the van that the other three humans were in.

"Matsuri!" she heard Sam call before Alice jumped on top of her and started to try and injure her.

"Mikaela- DRIVE!" Matsuri shouted as she dug her metal fingers into the roof of the car. Mikaela backed up and began to drive, all the while was Alice trying to get to Sam and hurt Matsuri. Once the girl saw where Mikaela was going, she quickly lifted her legs up to her chest just as the van crashed into a light post, killing Alice.

"Matsuri, get in here!" Mikaela shouted and Matsuri quickly scrambled in the back before Mikaela backed up and began to drive.

"Okay, so what else didn't I know, all right? Since you guys forgot to mention some minor details, huh- IS THAT A METAL ARM?!" The boy beside Matsuri screeched when he looked at her.

Matsuri just growled at him before looking pointedly Sam.

"That thing you saw back there, that was the little baby- WOAH!" Sam yelped. Matsuri looked and a chopper heading straight towards them at a low level.

The van screeched to a stop before something went through the roof of the van and it started to be lifted into the air. A truck came up and slammed into the back of the van, making it spun and the passenger door opened, resulting in Sam holding onto the door for dear life as he hanged above the street below.

"SAM!" Shouted Mikaela fearfully. She reached out and with the boy's help, got Sam back into the van- just in time as the chopper went above a old abandoned factory building and let the van go and it fell through the roof and onto its front before falling onto its own roof.

Something cut through the middle, cutting the van in half. The four got up and crouched over them was Starscream, snarling and spitting before standing up.

"Come here, boy." Snarled a voice behind Mikaela, causing Matsuri's body to lock up. She slowly looked over and saw Megatron's head leveled with them, staring at them with a cruel gleam.

TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen PrimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon