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Zayn sets the menus in front of the two old women who completely ignore Zayn when he does, too busy gossiping about Nancy from church to notice him.

Zayn walks away from the table, ignoring his other employees and keeping his head down.

He walks back up to the counter to the front of the store to man the counter as people enter. He greets them, asks how many, then brings them over to a table before giving them their menus.

This is the worst job Zayn could have while working here because he actually has to be cheery. Happy. He is never happy.

Zach looks up at the entrance, watching as several students walk in, making him quirk up an eyebrow. Great.

Zach internally groan, cursing to himself. They're from his music class.

Good thing there's only two, meek old ladies right now or they'd lose a lot of business with a bunch of loud ass young adults.

"Its Zayn, my man!" Daniel exclaims, his Puerto Rican accent thick. Zayn would like his voice if it wasn't always in a mission to mock him, knowing he won't fight back because he's quiet. "Mis amigos y yo quiremos un mesa por favor." He grins.

Taking Spanish for three years prior to this and hating it, Zayn nods. At least he wasn't insulting him.

"How many?"

"Five." A girl answers, Daniel swinging an arm around her shoulders, Zayn almost laughs when she quickly pushes him off but he keeps a straight face and grabs five menus.

Zach only visually sees four, but maybe someone will be coming in a little later.

He leads them to a table, far away from the old women. They would probably instantly start complaining anyway.

Zayn knows for a fact that no one else from school works here, his co-workers are mostly from a bunch of different colleges in the area, mostly graduate than undergrad. So, Zayn is really the youngest person working here which he likes.

This is just ruining his day.

He hears their loud laughing and talking as he walks back to the counter, crouching down so he can get a pad and pen from underneath.

He hears the entrance open. He stands quickly, accidentally dropping the pen, making him sigh heavily in frustration and he bends down to retrieve it before standing and looking front of him to see a smirking Harry standing in front of him.

"Shit." He whispers, looking down.

"Where's my table, sir?" Harry asks, looking at Zayn with an emotion in his eyes he can't decipher. Zayn will just assume he's being smug.

Zayn turns around stiffly, assuming Harry is following behind him to the table filled with other people he doesn't care for.

He stops at the table, turning around as Harry walks past him.

"Harry!" Several of his friends exclaim. Zayn almost roll his eyes. Just like him to be the person everyone apprehensively is waiting for.

When Harry sits down, Zayn flips to a blank page on the pad.

"What do you want?" Zayn sighs , holding the top of the pen against the paper.

"Wow, the customer service is very good en here." Daniel says sarcastically, making all his friends laugh, even Harry laughs. But Zayn didn't really expect any less from him. He wouldn't be surprised if they all laughed about the mental breakdown he had yesterday.

Zayn turns around, refusing to be made fun of at the only place he isn't and walks into the kitchen.

"Joey." Zayn says, walking up to an older gentleman from Haiti. The man looks up at him with kind eyes. He only speaks a little bit of English and Zayn likes him. Zayn hands him the pen and pad. "Table six." Zayn says.

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