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(So Zayn and Harry really are the main characters in this story so I'm going to pay attention to the other boys but not as much because you know, this is a ZARRY STYLIK story not a HARRY, NIALL, ZAYN, LIAM AND LOUIS story.

So yeah.

But if you want to read a story that encircles all the boys but it's not really a love story, it's more about friendship, then read "Freedom"

On a Wednesday morning Zayn, Niall and Liam sit in a coffee shop before school starts for the three of them. Liam starts the earliest at seven, Zayn the second earliest at seven thirty and Niall at nine. "Guys, your lucky I like you because I am tired as hell." Niall groans, putting his head down on the table with his coffee cup held in his hand.

"Just drink your coffee and stop complaining. At least you get a head start." Liam says, eyes bright as he takes says a sip of his hot chocolate. Even Zayn is tired but he's not saying anything.

"Easy for you to say since you wake up every morning at the ass crack of dawn." Niall mumbles.

"Well maybe you should start." Liam retorts.

"There's no reason for me to, I don't have a class at the dick of dawn."

"What even is that?" Liam says, furrowing his brows.

Zayn looks around, ignoring the two boys that seem to always be arguing. He looks at the four girls that sit at another booth across from them on the opposite side. He sees the blonde girl that sits in front of him in his reading class.

They make eye contact, making Zayn get startled slightly. But she smiles at him and sends a pleasant wave. Zayn does the same, feeling his heart leap. He wonders what her name is, maybe he should walk over and ask, then again, she is with her friends.

"Zayn, who in the world are you waving to?" Liam questions, looking at Zayn from across the booth.

"Um, that girl over there." Zayn says, subtly nodding his head towards her. Liam and Niall look. "Well way to make it obvious guys." Zayn mumbles, slapping his hand to his forhead.

Niall chuckles quietly and Liam turns back around quickly.

"That's Gigi Hadid." Liam tells Zayn. "She's really nice...and pretty, obviously." He continues.

Zayn nods at the new information. Gigi.

"You like her?" Liam asks.

"Well...I don't really know her all that well. But she is pretty. Do you?"

Liam shrugs. "Not really." He says. "Go for it."

"Yeah. Did you forget? Liam likes guys." Niall says.

"I like both, there's a difference."

"Oh yeah, sorry, your bi." Niall says, throwing his hands in the air.

Liam smirks.

"What about you Niall?"

"What about me?"

"Sexual preference?

Niall taps his finger against his chin, acting as if he's thinking as he stares in the air. "I don't really want to put a label on it to be honest." He says. "I'll do anybody, any gender, anywhere, anytime."

"Even trans?"

"Even trans."

Liam smiles. "Nice." He chuckles. "I never thought you were interested in guys."

"Have you seen Harry Styles?" Niall says as if stating the obvious. Zayn rolls his eyes after hearing the guys name before drinking a sip of his hot chocolate.

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