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"I hate playing go fish with you, Liam. I feel like you cheat." Niall snaps, glaring at the man across from him who has a wide grin across his face.

"I'm not cheating Niall! Just go." Liam chuckles.

Zayn pulls on his shoes after coming out of the shower and dressing up into casual clothing. Niall is the first to notice him all dressed up.

"Zayn, aren't all your classes done today?" Niall questions, looking Zayn up and down.

"Yeah, and you don't work until tomorrow." Liam adds.

"I'm meeting someone at the coffee shop." Zayn says, standing up and grabbing his phone from his nightstand.

"Oh." Niall smirks. "Is it a date?"

"Meeting someone doesn't always mean a date Niall, it could be me meeting up with a friend, or doing business or studying." Zayn says.

"Well we're your only friends." Niall shrugs.

"How would you know that?" Zayn scoffs.

Niall gives him a knowing look, making Zayn roll his eyes. He is right.

"So it is business?" Liam asks. "Or studying."

"I'm gonna call it, meeting someone because you need help with what you want to do with the rest of your life." Zayn says, sticking his phone in his back pocket.


Zayn shrugs.

"Who is it? Do we know them?" Niall asks.

"Harry." Zayn mumbles as he walks towards the door. He opens it.

Niall and Liam burst out laughing, making Zayn roll his eyes again.

"Goodbye guys." Zayn says.

"Good luck." Liam chuckles.

"Try not to bite his head off." Niall says before Zayn slams the door shut.

He probably should've gotten Harry's number earlier so he can confirm that he'll be there. Zayn brushes it off. If he's not there by six fifteen then he'll leave. And he's being nice by doing that. But knowing Harry, he'll be there on the dot or before Zayn because Harry is just perfect. 

Zayn takes his car and when he gets there the place is packed. It usually is packed by the early evening, which is what Zayn hates. But he couldn't do it any earlier and it seemed innapropriate to do it any later since it would be too late.

So Zayn gets out the car with a heavy sigh, sticking his hands in his pockets as he walks to the front door. He enters, seeing multiple people from his classes, different classes of course, but mostly from his music class.

The man sees an empty booth at the back of the restuarant. He doesn't really feel for a coffee, hot chocolate or tea so he simply just sits and waits for Harry.

He waits and waits and waits and waits until it feels like it's not six anymore. So Zayn looks at the time and sees it's six fifteen.

He sighs heavily. Six thirty. He'll give him till six thirty. That's it. No where near longer than that.

Zayn watches in boredom people come and leave.

Even until six thirty the palm is packed, yet Zayn feels really alone. And at seven, somehow, there's even more people and Zayn's butt is Numb from sitting so long.

Why did Zayn ever think Harry would come? This is a joke. He's a joke to him. He's probably with his friends laughing at how Zayn actually thought he would meet up with him, a mediocre singer with stage fright.

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