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Zayn looks outside to see it snowing again. New York is pretty weird, just snowing randomly in the middle of fall.

The white, frozen rain lands delicately on the window pane. The sky is a dark blue and the street lights illuminate the pristine white snow on the ground. Zayn watches as two girls run across his view, clearly laughing and having a good time.

It's almost six so he has to leave in about five minutes to hopefully meet Harry and discuss his stage fright.

He hopes Harry helps and doesn't just make him feel him bad...or maybe he just has to stop being so sensitive. But either way, he doesn't want to walk out feeling like the bottom of someone's shoe because of him.

Niall and Liam went out to the grocery store together, leaving Zayn alone for the evening.

Zayn decides to start getting ready now, changing out of his comfortable clothing into more casual and respectable clothing.

He grabs his phone, sticks it into his back pocket before walking out of his dorm room to get to the coffee shop.

His drive there is short and when he gets there it is exactly six. So the man gets out of his car and walks into the shop. He looks around for a seat until his eyes land on Harry already sitting in a seat, staring out of a window.

Zayn swallows thickly and walks up to the man as he sticks his hands inside of his pockets. He slowly takes the chair and sits in it, making Harry's gaze snap towards him. The man smiles at Zayn.

"Hey. I'm on time." He says.

Zayn nods, feeling flattered he probably came much earlier than Zayn.

"Yeah." Zayn mumbles. But he's not going to make a big deal about it for certain.

So Zayn sits down silently as he takes his hands out of his pockets. Shockingly, it's not so packed today.

He looks at Harry, the man leaning on the table, getting as close to Zayn as possible with a smile on his face. And the most annoying part is, it's not even creepy or anything, it's actually kind of endearing.

"Do you want a drink?" He asks.

"No." Zayn shakes his head. "Just want to get this over with." He says, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his seat.

Harry nods and leans back in his own seat.

"So, I signed up for something today." Harry grins.

Zayn quirks up an eyebrow.


"Do you want to know what it is?" Harry asks.

Zayn shrugs.


"Cool." Zayn nods.

"But I didn't sign my name."

"Whose name did you- what the fuck?" Zayn snaps, making people's heads turn and look at him in annoyance. He leans into the table, glaring at the smirking Harry. "How could you do that?"

"Are you feeling nervous?"

"Yeah, of course, I am!" Zayn exclaims. "I'm completely caught off guard, how could you just do that?"

"Lesson number one of confidence. Even if your caught off guard, you can totally wing it."

"Well that's not me. I need to plan."

"If your in the music industry, you're never able to plan" Harry says, shaking his head.

"Oh I forgot, you would fucking know." Zayn scoffs.

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