'She screamed and yelled at them, wishing that she had never met them'

'She was heartbroken and ran home, but her pain didn't end there'

'This girl had another reason for being broken'

'I can go back to that later, but for a short explanation, she had family issues'

'Her father was at home, and he was waiting with some friends'

'She always hated when he had friends over, they liked her too much' Kaden looked pained as I continued.

'Do you know those parties where you pass around a blunt?'

'She was like a human blunt, and they could do anything they pleased'

'Every pervert's dream don't you think?' Kaden was placing kisses on my head, his eyes fixated on the board.

'That was the day that her dad was exposed'

'A neighbor found out, and he was tried in court and found guilty'

'You would think that would be a happy ending, but she was not out of the woods yet'

'She had only seen the beginning'

'The girl was put into foster care, and she was taken in by a family with boys her own age, twins'

'The twins never liked the girl, they thought she was nothing more than a pretty face, they thought that she was weak'

Flashbacks ripped through my head

They were being aggressive, I thought that they would be nice, I was wrong. They had a wicked look in their eyes as they slid down their pants. I screamed but nobody heard. Nobody cared.

'The girl was scared, but she still fought back'

'She tried to tell the parents, but the parents sided with their angels, and joined in on the fun' Kaden seemed to be growing teary eyed.

'While the sons seemed somewhat professional, the parents were amateurs'

'They made a mistake that would cost the girl her voice' Kaden tensed up even more, and I was grateful for his presence. This was the hardest story to tell.

They pushed my face towards the flames, and I accidentally inhaled the gas. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. They were laughing until I began to stop breathing. The flames licked my skin, taunting me as they singed my hair, but never truly reached my face. I was raced to the hospital, and they let me live. They couldn't let their toy die.

'They shoved her towards flames, and after inhaling a minuscule amount of the chemicals, the girl's larynx was severely damaged'

'They took her to the hospital, but they removed her before she could undergo speech therapy'

'They liked her silent, and after a while, she figured that she was better off not speaking'

'Nobody ever listened to her anyway,' he looked like he was ready to cut it, but I stopped him with my hand. I needed to do this.

'She stopped trying after that. She was like a puppet that followed her masters' bidding'

'She let them dress her, rape her, abuse her, scar her, she let them entertain themselves'

'Her eyes were lifeless, but nobody cared'

'One day, her social worker visited'

'She told the girl that someone wanted to adopt her'

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