Chapter 16

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'Ok your aim is off'
'My aim?'
'Yea, when using a sword you strike with confidence and the thought to kill'
'That's easy for you to say, your not lifting a sword that weighs a ton'
'Your weak' seethed the voice of a dark minion
'No am not' I fought back
'Yes you are, your just a weak feeble human filth'
'Stop it, its not true am not weak am not filth'
'Oh yea, prove it' so I did I channeled all my anger towards the darkness then I struck him down
'Good, good see were making progress'
'Mira what just happened?'
'The simulator' was her curt reply
'What's a simulator?'
'Its like an audiovisual graphic thingy that allows you to see things as if there real'
'Ok. Aaaaa' I felt a sharp pain in my side
'Mira, I don't know how long I can last until'
"Well well well, look who finally decided to grace us with her ugliness"
"The only ugly one here is you" my voice came out strained
"Why you bitch?" He spat kicking me in the face
"Don't you know 'coughing' that its rude to hit a lady"
"You are no lady maggot, your a useless piece of trash that'll soon meet her end"
"Yea, says who?"
"Says me"
"Hello human filth"
"So you do remember me, and here I thought you would've forgotten" he said nicely
"Who could ever forget a face as ugly as yours?" I retorted
"Why you?"
"Leave" he commanded his minions
"But sir"
"That's an order!" He shouted
"Fine, come on guys"
"Ahhh finally some alone time" he began to advance towards me
"Now scum, have they been hospitable to you?" He walked around checking my wounds "hmmm to the extent of their work am guessing not"
"Let me go Rubin, and maybe Xavier won't kill you"
"Oh how much faith you put in him, and I bet you think he's searching for you, don't you?"
"He is, and when he's through with you, you'll be dead meat"
"Its a shame tho" he ignored me "your here with bruises all over you, Wooo that's a new one" he cheered happily at my bruises
"Your sick you know that?"
"Why thank you for the compliment, and you know, just for that I'll give you a glimpse of your beloved for you must be dying to see how broken he is without you. Its the least I can do for you"

He started to wield images after images in the air till he stopped then begun to laugh
"What's so funny?"
"Oh Ammm its nothing, its just that wow Xavier old boy slow down on the turbo you going to crush her!" He cheered
"Xavier, is it Xavier?"
"Oh am sorry but I shouldn't show you this, really I don't want to ruin your perfect image of him"
"Show me"
"As you wish" the light from the images blinded my eyes temporarily for I was in the dark so long But the images alone said it all
" your a lier, your lying that's not Xavier!"
"Oh isn't it?" He sassed casually as if its no big deal
"That's not him" and here comes the waterworks
"You do know that he and Lydia were a thing right? He never loved you, he just wanted to use you"

'The crazy mans right you know'
'And how do you know that, you've been against us all this while so you'll say anything, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're working with him to drive me nuts'
'Honey, your already nuts and I didn't make you that way am just your conciense'
'Well if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all'
'Fine, I was only trying to show you the truth behind his smiles and silver eyes but why listen to me huh? Am just a dumb conciense'
"Oh don't cry for him, he's having a blast" he caressed my cheeks wiping away my tears then his hands went lower
"What are you doing?"
"Oh nothing, its just that he's having a blast, why don't you?" He began to explore my body
"No let me go, get your filthy hands off me" he slapped me across my face
"You know, I was thinking of letting you go" hope filled my chest then it pommelled "but now I see that your still untamed" he snapped his fingers where i saw two men in masks walk in "take her to my bedroom"
"No! No"
"And gag her while your at it, she screams too much"
"When I get out of this hell hole you'll be sorry Rubin, you'll all be sorry!" I seethed with anger
"Oh spear me the chitter chatter you psycho"
"Psycho, your the only psycho I see here you big dick!"
"Hmmm dirty, dirty but then again maybe you want to see just how big my dick is" he smirked
"Your disgusting"

His men threw me on the bed tying my hands and legs to the bed post
"Don't fight it love, oh and a little birdie told me your still a virgin, how uncommon of your kind"
"You bastard don't you dear touch me with those filthy hands!" Fear took hold of my body as I saw him take out tools after tools and torcher devices
"As you can see my dear, am wearing gloves, my hands won't be touching you" he smiled mischeviously.

So is this how I loose my virginity to a psycho maniac with a bad disorder, is this how my life ends? Please, i don't know if you can here me our which god you are but please help me.

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