Chapter 10

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The next few days were manageable...ish
"Xavier am not hungry"
"Come on rose you have to eat, look at you your all skin and bones"
"Hey I love my skin and as far as my bones go their none of your concern"
"Ok then, you leave me with no choice"
"What are you gonna do?" I took a step back from the kitchen island
"Am going to show you one of my other powers" he smirked
"Nah I think am good"
"Come on, its a fun power to have"
"What is it?"
"Why tell you when I can show you?"
"Oh no, this was a bad idea"
"Rose come sit" he commanded and I felt my body move on its own towards the kitchen island and sat down as i tried to regain control of my body
"What is this, manipulation?"
"Yes and control"
"I am now in control of your body, now am going to manipulate your mind into thinking your really hungry so you eat until I feel satisfied"
"That's not a gift, its a curse" I yelled
"To myua" he pointed to himself "its a gift, to you" he tapped my nose"its a curse"

Just as Cody and Bruno walked in I yelled for help
"Cody, Bruno, help me"
"Why what is it?" Then they both said together "oh" when they saw my predicament
"Oh, that's all you can say. He's forcing me to eat against my will"
"Yea its another one of his a cursed gifts"
"Hey Cody remember the time he manipulated our minds to go to the waterfall and controlled our bodies to jump in when we pranked him" laughed Bruno
"Yea, aunt Clara was furious" replied Cody
"Speaking of, Xavier isn't she suppose to be visiting today, Hm?" Bruno asked nicely
"Oh shit I totally forgot" he swore then I felt his powers release me
"Oh thank god" I cried
"Don't thank god, thank me"
"Thank you Bruno, your a life saviour and in your honour I promise to name my first dog after you"
"Awwwww Bruno hear that, she going to name her first dog after you" cooed Cody ruffling his hair
"Yea whatever, now let's leave before aunt Clara forces us into another knitting frenzy"
"You knit?" I asked
"Bye rose, good luck, you'll need it"

they left laughing
"So, your mothers coming over" I said sweetly
"Yes and am really sorry, It slipped my mind"
"Now how can your mother coming over slip your mind?" I arched my brows at him
"Well I was so smitten by your ehem beauty that I..." He trailed off scratching the back of his head just as the door bell rang
"Oh god, I've got to change" I got up to make a run for the stairs but Xavier held me back
"Xavier put me down, I've got to change"
"You look perfect in what you have on and besides, I don't feel like letting go"
"Wah, wah, wah stop crying you big baby and let me go" I yelled
"Mrs. Masters, welcome" the door man kneeled in respect
"At ease old friend, I hope all is well with your wife and little Cindy"
"Yes your majesty, we thank you for the planned family vacation, it was... relaxing" he smiled at her
"I knew you'd enjoy it" she pat him on the shoulder then entered
"Too bad she's already here, but that flora dress with white pumps looks so delicious on you" he licked his lips then bit my ear
"Stop it, she's coming"

By the time she reached in the kitchen where we were I was seated with a blush still plastered unto my cheeks from the previous events
"Xavier darling" she smiles hugging him tightly
"Hi mom" he smiled back
"And how's my little boy doing?"
"Mom, stop embarrassing me" he blushed, Xavier blush, now that's something you don't see everyday
"And who might this be?" Her attention gracefully danced over to me
"Mom this is rose, rose this is my mom Mrs. Masters"
"Pleased to meet you Mrs. Masters" I curtsied "your son speaks very highly of you"
"And so he must, after all I did carry him for 10 months, not to mention those cravings"
"Mom" he scolded
"Sorry peanut butter" she cooed innocently
"Stop calling me peanut butter, am allergic"
"Oh shhh and stop interrupting my conversations. So child, how old are you?"
"Go ahead you can tell me, I love humans, I promise you am not a threat"
"Oh no your highness I didn't mean"
"Oh hush child call me Clara"
"Ok Clara am 16"
"16 wow, so when will you become 17?"
"Next month"
"Next month why that's like a couple days away" she cheered
"Huh" Xavier noticed my confusion and decided to clear it up
"For us gods, time passes faster than a regular day, meaning one day to humans is a month for us"
"So how old are you then?"
"In human years am around 26 give or take a few months but in God years am actually"
"200 decades" jumped in his mom
"What?, your brother Rubin is much older like by 400 decades"
"Grrr" growled Xavier at the mention of his brother
"He told your father"
"As I knew he would, always a daddies boy, still angry at me for earning the god title over him"
"Well now your father wants to see you" she looked from Xavier to me "both of you"
"Ahhh I knew one day this would happen, I just never anticipated it would be so soon" he sighed then looked at me with regret and sadness for what he's about to put me through

"I understand, your father and brother are against humans, I get it. As a matter a fact if I weren't human am sure I would've been against them too" I smiled weakly "so when do I meet the dad?" I smiled reassuringly
"Tonight, for dinner" the smile I had on slowly slipped away
"How could you?" I picked up the lettuce througing it at him
"Am sorry"
"Sorry, that's all you ever say" I threw whatever I could catch
"Rose please" he begged
"Rose please" I mimicked him "Clara, would you mind passing me that bowl of oatmeal"
"Oh no am staying out of this, you two have fun am going grocery shopping to prepare dinner for your father" she sauntered out of the kitchen
"Mom, help"
"Toodleoooo darlings, I'll be back in five" the door closed
"You, everything you do makes me look bad"
"Yes you, you didn't tell me that your mom was coming over, I wasn't prepared, now your father's coming over and am worst not prepared" I cursed him
"Well dad isn't the only one coming" he looked at me from over the counter
"What did you say?" I slowly walked towards him
"Am sorry but you were so mad before I didn't want to anger you further" I turned away from him cursing all kinds of profinaties
'Dumb god, damn him and his human hating family except his mother, she's nice but if this dinner turns into a disaster his head is going to be on a lovely golden platter'

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