Chapter 3

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Jake and I had rung the bell about half an hour ago and people were still running about like headless chickens
"Jake, Did we trouble an ants nest by any chance?"
"Yea, this one" he laughed
"That's not what I meant, why are they running and with things at seven in the night when they should be sleeping?"
"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this" he shivered involuntarily
"Yea I know what you mean"
"Jake, rose" I could hear dad calling us over the distance
"Jake dads calling"
"I heard"

we ran off to meet him as he started barking orders to the scurrying ants
"Oh thank goodness you kids are ok. Now Jake take rose back to your mothers house"
"Wait why?"
"For your own safety"
" You can count on me sir"
"Thank you Jake" dad embraced him like a father would his son
"James" yelled Lisa running towards us "their approaching and fast" she panted
"I promise i will explain everything later ok, right now i need you to go with Jake and be safe, when you hear as if the village have stilled don't make a sound, don't even move understood?"
"Yes but"
"No buts this time rose, just do as your told" dad kissed my cheek and hugged me close
"Jake take care of rose ok"
"Mom your talking as if your leaving and never coming back" he laughed nervously
"Son the enforcers are coming, were not prepared and when hell falls upon us we want you guys to be safe"
"But mom"
"Safe Jake, promise me you'll keep both of you safe. Promise"
"Ok mom, I promise" I watched as she embraced her son lovingly
"Now go, I love you guys" they both said after kissing us both on our heads
"Love you too" we replied
"Now go"

We scurried off to Lisa's house to stay safe,
"If what we heard about the enforcers are true, were in big trouble"
"How so?"
"Rose don't you listen in school?"
"No I mostly zone out before it started"
"Ahhh let's go inside first and get something to eat"

So we sat down and ate awaiting the silence dad spoke about
"So who are these enforcers, they sound mysterious and spooky"
"Rose this isn't the time for jokes, with the order of the king they could wipe out our entire existence"
"What!?" I ask yelled
"Keep your voice down"
"Its like an hierarchy"
"A what?"
"An branch of leaders, at the very last bottom of that branch are humans, we are controlled by the enforcers who ensure that we follow the laws and they also punish who they deem useless, then you have the royals, they control the enforcers who control us then there's one last person at the tippy top of that branch"
"Who is he?"
"No one knows, they've never seen his\her face, but rumors have it that he\she's a god\goddess, the overseer of royals, enforcers and us human. He\she has powers that can destroy the earth and re make it"
"So what do they want with us?"
"As you know the god\goddess makes the laws, hands them to the royals whom put it in place so the enforcer enforce those said rules upon us"
"So this he\she person"
"Whatever can change the rules if they want to?"
"Yes like now were suppose to be executed"
"What? Who told you that?"
"One of our kind that works their as a slave overheard the guards talking that the royals got message to kill all humans"
"That's terrible, so that's why the enforcers coming here"
"Am afraid so, but shhh do you hear that?"
"Silence, remember what your dad said?"
"Yea, wait I can hear vehicles and it sounds like a lot of them" we ran to the window to spy where we saw fleets of cars driving in
"Wow this enforcer must be someone big to be escorted by so many cars"
"Ok shhh, there coming out"

So we sat and watched as the great mystery before us unfold, who is this enforcer guy?, why so many escorts? and why the rule to eradicate all humans?

James p.o.v

I stood watching as the cars rolled in, anticipating what's to come
"James" Lisa whispered to me
"Why so many escorts?"
"It must be one hell of an enforcer love" I smiled down at her to see her smiling back at me
"Love, I like that" but we stopped talking as soon as the vehicles stopped and out of every vehicle came about 5 men each very huge, intimidating and scary. I saw Lisa shivering beside me due to fright but I couldn't comfort her, I had to be emotionless now

I watched as all 50 men flanked the huge limousine in the middle
"Who's the leader of this..." I knew what he wanted to say, they always disrespected us and treated us like dirt and so help me god Jake and rose will never see this life
"Ok straight to the point shall we, we are here to do a head count of all you vial creatures" he snickered "right here we have 33 counts, let's see if my information was accurate, which it always is"

I saw him counting by rows, after he finished counting he scrunched up his nose distastefully at us
"May the leader of the pack step forward" Ahhh here goes nothing, I let go of my pride then step forward "it clearly states here that there are 33 members, but your missing 3"
"Don't play dumb with me you human filth, now where are the missing three?" I didn't answer, I couldn't put our kids in this position
"Tick tock human, I have little patience when it comes to your kind" what do I do, give them up like lamb to the slauter or be the lamb that gets slathered?, either way am doomed and if they try to kill me there's no doubt rose will come running.

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