Chapter 12

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"Lydia" I grasped her upper arm tightly
"Xavier your hurting me"
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I just thought I'd come to see you" she purred running her finger down my arm
"Now you and I both know that's not true"
"Ok fine, your father called me"
"So I can get you back of course, although now that I saw your little tramp, she isn't much of a competition yes?"

Lydia marking, my fathers business associate's daughter and was my fiancé. She was born in america but moved to Russian at a tender age where her dad and mine hooked up over a business deal causing us to see more of her than needed. She was a brunette, with long flanky legs, a purple dress way too short for dinner, not much of a body to look at along with her steel hard eyes, fake boobs, fake butt, and way too much make up

'They dared call rose a slut, human filth, and trash when actually that person was now standing in front of me. She thinks I don't know that she's been hooking up with Rubin, well I make it my job to know everything that goes on in this damn family'
"Xavier, its dinner time" called mom.

Rose was about to sit beside me when Lydia ran past her almost causing her to fall just so she could flirt with me, how pathetic
"Sorry rose, but this seats taken" was her snarky reply "maybe you could sit over there with Rubin" she batted her eyelashes. So I watched as rose sat down beside Rubin uncomfortably

"Now since everyone is seated"
"Sorry aunt Clara" pardoned Cody panting out of breath
"Yea, sorry were late" said Bruno
"Oh no boys your just in time, go get yourselves seats and sit" clapped mom happily
"Hey rose"
"Yes Cody" was her shy reply
"You wanna sit between Bruno and I?"
"I thought you'd never ask" I saw her get up, Cody bringing her chair then placed it right in the middle of them both
"Thank you" I thanked them through the mind link
"Anything for you bro" replied Bruno
"Yea, besides I can just imagine how rose felt sitting beside the human hater" said Cody
"And Lydia literally eye raping you"
"Ahhh rose hates me"
"Nah bro, she's just you know 'laughing' rose"
"Boys, cut your mind linking and get back to dinner, oh and Xavier rose doesn't hate you just talk to her later ok"
"Thanks mom"

"Now as I was saying, thank you all for being here for Xavier and Rose's family dinner, the hosts hope you enjoy your meals" finished mom serving herself a huge helping
"Hey Xavier, maybe we could skip dinner and go straight to desert" purred Lydia with her thick Russian accent, might I add not attractive
"Lady in purple" mom gestured to Lydia
"I would appreciate it if you stopped harassing my son so he could eat in peace"
"Sorry Mrs. Masters"

All throughout dinner rose didn't even spear me a glance and my heart felt empty
"Xavier, rose" we both looked up at my mom "please go get the desert"
"Yes mom"
"Yes Mrs. Masters"
"Boys" she gestured to both Cody and Bruno "go help them"
"Sure thing aunt Clara"
"I will go help too" suggested Lydia getting up
"No I ask those four specifically, five would just be too much" she sat back down brooding
"Thanks mom"
"Now don't take long" she smiled through the mind link.

Ahhh finally, time to face the music

Rose's p.o.v

"Rose" he called after me "rose" did I care to answer? No
"Rose!" He gritted out annoyed
"Fiancé" I seethed angrily "I was never told of a damn fiancé!"
"Ok look she is not my fiancé"
"Then what is she, your little precious?"
"Stop that" he said
"Stop what?"
"Your making a skyscraper out of thin air"
"Whew that's a mighty big sky scraper" wondered Cody
"Yea, you messed up big time bro"
"Cody, Bruno why did mom ever send you guys with us?" He asked rudely
"Are you on your period or something? Clearly we all needed space from that...that... Grrr" I was now really upset
"Yea, besides your mom had to tell your father what she thinks" replied Bruno
"Why does your family hate me so much?"
"They don't hate you" he tried to convince me
"That's not very convincing since your sister called me a slut"
"Wooo" said Cody
"And your brother referred to me as human filth"
"Yep thats Rubin alright, still carrying the torch for Xavier and not in a good way"
"Bruno, Cody"
"Yes rose"
"Could you two please put the deserts together?" I asked sweetly
"Sure thing rose"
"Yea I like her, she's a lot better than Lydia"

"Rose, I didn't know she was coming, heck I haven't seen her in five years"
"Then why did your father say that she was your fiancé?"
"Because he knew you'd get mad at me then Lydia could sneak in and 'claim what's rightfully hers'" he air quoted
"So your not engaged?"
"I was suppose to be, but then I caught her and my brother doing it on a number of occasions" he laughed nervously
"Well, let's just see how the rest of the night goes" I said hopefully
"I'd like nothing more"
"Boys" we escorted the desert out to see Lydia beside Rubin and an empty chair beside Xavier reserved just for me.
'Thank you' I mouthed to Clara silently
'Your welcome dear' she replied back.

Finally things are finally the way they ought to be.

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