Chapter 2 starting over

Start from the beginning




          Amilio smiled at her and said, “So what’s the answer lover girl?”




          Elizabeth just pushed him away playfully and responded, “None of your business, young man.” Her mom and dad just giggled about Elizabeth dating a boy. That was just so absurd, but they knew it would happen, because they just couldn’t control nature’s course.

          “Just as long as he’s a gentleman you can date him.” Mom said and then began again, “He also can’t be like your father.” She said giggling at the thought.




          Soon after that Elizabeth responded, “Ewe! Why would I date my own father?” After that weird discussion and the story they all hustled up to bed and everyone was beat. They snuggled up in their warm and cozy sheets. That’s when it felt safe. Now it wasn’t safe with Amilio out there probably stalking her down. She missed all of those things and day-dreamed about that moment for the remainder of the day. She sighed to Mystic, “Don’t you wish we could just go back in time Mystic?” Of course Mystic would never spit out an answer, because she had no way of communicating to Elizabeth.

          “Do you need food Mystic?” Elizabeth said after she realized that Nevada had wild horses, and they all ate the grass so Mystic could eat the grass if she needed to. There were luscious green bushes all over, but Elizabeth had her eye on some fresh, juicy raspberries. “Mystic, stop!” She said as she pulled back on the reins. Elizabeth dismounted Mystic and went over to pick some raspberries; something she hadn’t eaten in years of living here. (Mainly, because it was pretty hard to find raspberries there since most of the horses would eat them all up, down to the very last twig.)

          She had a small pouch to keep food items in her backpack so she pulled out the bag. “Mystic, I bet you would like raspberries for a treat later so I’ll pack a few for you.” Elizabeth said. She picked 500 raspberries precisely and decided that was enough food until they reached the next town about 20 miles from where they were now. Before they left, Elizabeth saw a little pond not totally dried up. She took her water canteen off of her side and filled it up with the purest of all water. After she was done filling the water canteen she cupped her hands and placed them into the fresh water. She drank from her hands and slowly developed a smile.

          It was delicious and very fresh. She had never tasted water so pure. That’s when she knew she should drink the water slowly. She would try and conserve it as long as she could. This was a once in a life time find, but it wouldn’t last forever. Elizabeth went over to mystic and spoke the words, “Come on girl you must drink up. You’ll never find water so pure again in all of your travels.”

          Then she thought, maybe it was too pure. Was it some kind of holy water or the fountain of youth? None of this could possibly be true, because those were all just myths. Well maybe not the holy water, but holy water was a bit fantasized. Elizabeth thought that god didn’t exist, and that he was just a figment of our imagination. All that Elizabeth thought about god was that he/she was a fantasized creature. Let the people believe in what they believe in was her motto towards god. I guess god just never reached out to Elizabeth. She just kept to herself about religion most of the time. If anyone asked her anything about religion she would just shrug her shoulders and say I don’t know? I guess that’s just who she was.


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