"You and Logan seem to be getting cozy," my response sounded funny when it came from a robot, and she laughed.

"Oh shut it," I looked over to see her blushing, and it was then that I remembered my black eyes that were hiding behind foundation and concealer. Black eyes were a real pain to cover up, and I felt like my face was absolutely caked in makeup. I was still teasing Kaylee as we arrived in the parking lot, and I wasted no time before snatching my bag from the seat and hopping out of the car.

I just didn't want her to go through what I did. I didn't want her to feel so helpless and alone.

Kaylee was right on my tail as we entered the school, and it was oddly packed considering we had around 20 minutes before the first bell; people usually push off their arrival as long as possible. They all seemed to be clustered around something, and we pushed through to see what it was, and the sight was shocking.

"Why did you do it?!"

"You were becoming so boring and naive, I was disgusted by you, but I got good street cred for being with the virgin cheerleader, I just wanted to be the one to take your v-card, such a shame that I didn't make it!"

"I loved you, and I found you with that witch Whitney!"

"Don't call her a witch, she is more exciting than you will ever be, in fact, for someone so smart in school you really are dense. Whitney and I have been going behind your back for eight months, in fact, she is officially my girlfriend starting today. You were never worthy of that title!" A vein was popping out of his head, and I wanted to smash it so badly, I wanted to see him writhing in pain, but I missed my shot when Libby slapped him so hard that I thought his head would spin off.

She stalked out of the crowd, and slowly everyone started drifting towards their classes, blocking our paths. By the time we were free, Libby was nowhere to be found.

I was restless throughout all of my classes, and my panic only increased when Libby wasn't in class, where had she gone off to? I didn't make any effort to socialize during lunch, but I could feel Kaden by my side, and his eyes were basically burning holes in my head, worry radiating off of him.

I didn't touch my food, and the rest of my classes passed by slowly, each tick of the clock seemed to last for an eternity. When the final bell rang, I zoomed out of the school, desperate to find my friend, but when I finally exited the doors, I was met with a crowd of students, gathered around the entrance with their necks craned towards the sky.

I looked up, and my face was painted with horror as I processed what was being presented for me. Libby was standing on the edge of the building, her arms outstretched as if she was ready to be swept away by the wind. My hand flew to my mouth and I let out a strangled scream as she swan dived from the building. I clenched my eyes shut as she smacked down to the pavement, and when I opened them, I had to run to the shrubs to vomit.

Blood was pooled around her lifeless body, and her legs were contorted into inhuman angles. Her eyes were wide open and lifeless, and I knew that they would haunt me for the rest of my life. As the students started screaming and calling 911, I spotted David in the crowd, his eyes looked apathetic and uncaring as if her suicide didn't matter to him.

Rage filled my body as I ran towards him, tackling him to the ground while he was surprised, punching him as hard as I could. I could hear Whitney's cries of protests, but I silenced her after ripping out a chunk of her filthy dirty blonde hair. She was a scumbag and I had adrenaline running through my veins, fueling my anger.

I was going to continue when strong warm arms encircled my small frame, pulling me off of the ground. I was turned around and crushed into the chest of none other than Kaden, who had bent down and wiped away tears that I wasn't even aware of.

"Come on Finch, they aren't worth your precious time, let's just go home," his voice was soft and soothing, and I collapsed into his reliable arms, tears still streaming down my face, strangled sobs trying to escape my throat.

I noticed the rest of the cheer squad coming out from practice, and watched as they dropped their pom poms one by one, terror taking over their faces. Jessie looked absolutely mortified. I also saw Kaylee, who was already in Logan's arms, her face buried in his chest, and all that was visible was her pink hair.

The rest of the guys stood to the side, anger, and sadness was clear on their faces. I knew that Aiden had a liking for her, and I was sure that they had some wicked things planned for the cheater and his new girlfriend. I wish that I could call her a slut, but that is a title that very few people deserve. As far as I know, she never had a boyfriend, for all I know, she was just insecure and pulled into David's lies.

I still hate her.

Kaden pulled me away from the scene as my tears began to blur my vision, and all I could see were the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles. Kaden unlocked the truck and opened the door for me, hoisting me up into the passenger seat himself before shutting my door and making his way to the driver's seat.

When he turned on the engine, he pulled my hand into his, resting it on the clutch and rubbing small circles into the back of my hand as we peeled out of the parking lot.

As we left the horrific scene, I was beginning to realize how much I depended on Kaden, and how much I really wanted him to know part of my past. Was I really ready to open myself up to someone again?

Was I really ready to like and trust someone again?


Well then, who is crying right now?

*Raises own hand in the air*

Who wants David to die a slow and painful death?

*Raises own hand again*

I must say that I have never hated one of my own characters as much as I hate him. I tried to make this as realistic as possible, but if there are any changes I should make, please let me know.

This chapter was actually pieced together from some personal experiences, and I never expected to be able to write it this quickly. When I sat down to write it, I only had 200 something words, yet I managed to finish in one sitting. This chapter is the lead up to some really big backstory stuff, and I am really excited and happy that I want to start writing this story again, even though it has taken a really sad twist. Don't worry though, if there is one thing I am good at, it is cringy comedic relief!

If you are reading this author's note right now, thank you. Thank you for reading, thank you for voting (though I don't know if most of you do, which is okay, but it makes me feel like I have no audience) *looks around to see nothing but tumbleweeds* oh yeah, I forgot that my only fan is Casper.

I sincerely hope that I was able to invoke some emotions in you guys, so once again, thank you for reading All Alone. (I am probably going to change the title and cover soon, so if you have suggestions feel free to let me know, and if I choose it I will dedicate a chapter to you)

I have also said this in another chapter, but I will say it again because I think that I should start including it in every author's note:

If you have any funny one-liners or conversations that you would like me to include them in the guys' witty banter, put them in the comments and if I include your idea I will dedicate the chapter to you!

Don't forget to:




& Follow!

Love Y'all!



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