Lisa-"I know Don"


She sat up and looked at me.

Lisa-"I knew him when I was younger. He is not what she think he is"

NT-"I guess I don't know and don't care. What she do is her business"

I got up walking in kitchen.

Lisa-"When the kids start calling him daddy I don't want to hear it"

NT-"That will never happen, I told her not to have my kids around him period"

See the only reason I started to mess around with Lisa was because last week a video got leaked it was like sex tape with Katoya and Don so hey revenge is a bitch and I'm doing it good I think.

Lisa-"Well Katoya need to apologize to me"


Lisa-"Here release party she didn't give me not one thank you. I made her"

NT-"One thing I do agree with on is she paid her dues to you. She don't owe you nothing but she could be respectful"

Lisa-"How could you agree with her. She owes me money I got kids to feed and she docked my pay"

NT-"You work for her but the thing is she was paying you under the table three grand extra every month more than anyone else be thankful now you make money just like everyone else"

She walked away. I went upstairs and got in the shower, Lisa is cool people but cuffing her isn't something I would do. I'm going to go over Katoya house to chill with Nalani and Kenny for a little while. I'm still going to be a father to my kids regardless of what Katoya and I are going through. When I got out the shower Lisa was sitting on my bed she had changed and everything, I started getting dressed

Lisa-"Where you going"

NT-"To go see my kids"

Lisa-"I'm coming too"

I side eye her.

NT-"You think Katoya going to let you step foot in her house and besides I'm watching the kids while she handle business"

Lisa-"I wanna see the kids, and beside hell only one of them yours"

NT-"Don't start that bullshit Kenny is my son okay"

Lisa-"Yeah whatever, I'm going with you"

After getting dressed I got my keys and we left. I got to Katoya house I seen Larry car I knew this was going to be trouble, I got to the door knocking

Katoya-"Who is it"


She opened the door looking good as hell with this little ass dress on. She step to the side to let me in soon as she seen Lisa behind me she closed the door in her face.

NT-"Come on Katoya let her in"

Katoya-"You think I'm going have her in my house while I'm gone. You should know she not stepping a foot in my house"

My P.H.A.T Dangerous LifeWhere stories live. Discover now