Chapter 18

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Six day's later
   It's been six day's. Nobody has seen, talked or heard from Katoya. I've checked every hotel/motel nobody has a girl by that name there. I have checked with the places she shop nobody remembers seeing her. Police want even help they told me she is grown she could have just left on her own. Everybody she knows, know Katoya wouldn't leave her child behind no matter what. Kenny is in the hospital still, I'm trying my best to keep his mind off Katoya but he keeps asking for her and I don't know what to tell him. My brother's, mama, Larry, Lisa, people at work have been searching for her but no sound. If she left why would she not take anything from her house. Deep down I know Lorenzo has something to do with this his name is all over it. Right now I'm back at the police station trying to get them to open a case for her. The main officer I have been talking to about all this is Officer Jones. I was sitting in his office

Officer Jones-"Mr.Terry what are doing here"

NT-"The same thing I've been here for the past few day's"

Officer Jones-"Listen it seems Mrs.Simmions just left on her own" 

NT-"No she didn't. Okay let me put it to you  this way say if you had a daughter she had a child at a young age, she was raped and beat while she was pregnant by her baby's dad.  Then years go on and her baby dad finds her and rapes her beat her to half to death in front of your grandchild. Your daughter has a boyfriend her baby father doesent like it he start's threatening you and then next thing you know your daughter goes missing who do you point the fucking finger at".

He got quiet.

Officer Jones-"I would point it at the baby father"

Nathaniel-"Exactly and what you do about it"

Officer Jones-"I would file a missing persons report and have police do everything they can"

Nathaniel-"Exactly. So why the hell can't you do it for me"

Officer Jones-"Listen It's not my say so. My boss has control"

Nathaniel-"What all do you need!"

Officer Jones-"evidence"

Nathaniel-"I got your evidence!"

I gave him the book Lorenzo gave Kenny. I gave him the letter somebody left on my door. I even gave him pictures of her when he beat her even files from the hospital when she first got pregnant and how many times she was in and out from getting beat and raped

Officer Jones-"Son this is more than evidence. Let me make a couple of calls and get my investigation team and we will file a missing persons report."

I smiled. Thank the Lord is all I can say because I have been trying my hardest now maybe I can get some sleep.

NT-"Thank you"

Officer Jones-"I am going to need Katoya son's father name so we can do background check and see if he is guilty"

NT-"Okay I will write it down"

I wrote it down and handed to him

Officer Jones-"Okay I am going send a detective to question her son, friends and family even people at her job. I want you to keep doing what you doing okay I'll be at your house around four to keep talking"

NT-"Alright I'll be there"

I got up and walked out. I got in my car and left going home. I am happy I am going to find her.

It's been almost a week. Lorenzo kidnapped me and has been beating and raping me for the last few days. He want let me call anyone, he want let me go anywhere. I have no clue where I am, right now I was sitting in the living room trying to figure a way to get out of here.

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