Chapter 4

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#late night
   Its 12:00 well mid night and I haven't heard from Katoya since earlier and to be honest she been on my mind all day and night I just can't get that sexy body and beautiful face out my mind she got a nigga all types of horny I needed a cold shower and a long one at that. I got up and got in the shower and cut it on extremely cold water.
**20 mins**
After my little session I was sitting  down in my king sized chair playing video games and just eating junk food  which I shouldn't be doing but hell I'm bored and this is kinda the only thing that keeps Katoya sexy ass out my mind if she only knew what I would do to her.  I was knocked out my thoughts when my cell phone ringed I answers it.
*Phone Convo*

TC-"What's up NJ its me TC look we got kid ink in town and he had a concert or whatever  and he trying go to the club but we all need a shape up man 

NT-Where y'all at

TC- we at the hotel beside the hospital

NT-Ight nigga I'll be there in ten mins

TC-Ight my nig one

**Hanged up**
I got up and walked out my game room and went to my bedroom and put on my basketball shorts and hoodie I grabbed all the hair stuff I needed and got my truck keys and left the house. 
**10 mins later**
  I pulled up at the hotel paparazzi was everywhere I guess cause they know kid ink is here. I called TC to meet me at the door.  Paparazzi seen me and started taking pics and asking questions they know who I am trust and believe they do they are the main ones who be on my ass when I do some bullshit.  I pushed threw them and finally got to the door and seen TC standing there I opened the door we gave each other Dap and got in the elevator.  We got to his room and I seen Kid Ink and his homeboys

Kidink-"What's up NT long time no see"

NT-"Nothing kid.  aye all y'all asses lucky I got up to come over here this damn late"

Kidink-"my bad my concert lasted longer than we thought and we heading out to the club but we got to look fresh so we called the best"

NT-"True that well sit down so we can get this party started"

I plugged up everything and got started.

I am super tired but I still got three more hours to go and I'll be on my way home to my son and my beautiful bed. Larry big head ass keeps bugging me about this date that I really don't wanna go on. Right now I'm doing paper work on a patient that I have had since I've been hєrє,  he is a hand full and of course he is a older man he had a heart attack but he is fine now but he wants to  go home. I was walking to his room and my beeper went off indicating I had an emergency right now so I hurried and went over to were the emergency was it was a shot victim they were rushing him to surgery. I was getting the surgeons prepared
**4 1/2 Hours**
I was done helping doing surgery they saved the young boys life he was only thirteen years old the bullet went past his heart thank god. The doctors were telling the family it was impossible to save that young boys life because where the bullet was but I kept telling them too keep trying, and to most importantly have faith in his, I have a son so I know his mother is in pain right now. The crazy thing is my grandmother was a nurse, when I was ninth and tenth grade I went to early college for two years and got my degree in science and nursing I never planned on doing this kind of work I wanted it to be temporary but this hospital grew on me so I stayed because people lives matter to me so much. I walked out the patients room he was sleeping doing well, I smiled Larry came up to me and gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek.

Larry-"Them no good surgeons would have given up if wasn't for you giving them common sense"

Toya-"Chile these folks don't care."

It was time for me to go home I went in the lockers and got all my things and walked out hospital  Larry was behind me

Larry-"Girl I'm tired this job will put you to some work"

Toya -" Yeah it does but in the end it will pay off into something big I just know it"

Larry-"hell I hope so cause why I gotta work my whole life, but back to our little conversation so.. Are you going on the date"

Toya-"Larry I don't know yet I have son to look after you know"

Larry-"I will watch him don't try to make any excuses, you haven't had a man nor any good sexual healing in eight years going on nine honey I couldn't even go that long so baby girl you need this date"

Toya-"boy you so crazy you is just nasty. Who said I wanted sex from him "

Larry-"Cause you need it honey. If I wasn't gay I would get you right"

We both was laughing, Larry is just something else I tell you. Don't let Larry fool you he is tall brown skin kinda muscular and has a deep voice I would never thought he would be gay but hey never judge a book by its cover. Larry walked me to my car he gave me a hug and kiss on forehead

Larry-"Bye big booty Judy goodnight love you"

Toya-"Bye boo love you too"

Larry-"Call me tomorrow so we can chill okay and I need to see Kenny handsome self"

Toya-"Okay I will"

I got in my car laughing up a storm I cranked my car up and left to go home.

I was done cutting everyone hair  and they paid me I was so tired but it was worth it my time. I was leaving the hotel just wondering about a couple of things until my brother Michale called me and told me my cousin Nickolas was shot so I hurried and went to hospital. My cousin is only thirteen years old but is in the dope game I have been telling him he's to young for this type of life he isn't ready for it.  I be trying to talk him out if it but he wont listen to me about it. I pulled up at hospital and got out and rushed in I seen my auntie, mama,Michale and Jacob standing around I went up to them.

Michale-"Bruhh I can't believe this shit man"

Jacob-"I told him about this shit now look where he is man"

Nathaniel-"man why this had to happen just why"

My auntie and mama was crying we all hugged them

Auntie-"My baby boy God why my baby"

She fell to her knees Jacob Michale and I looked at each other tears was in our eyes this hurt me to see my aunt in pain.  The doctor came and took my aunt to the back to talk to her in private we all sat down and just talked about this situation. 
**4 Hours**
We was still at the hospital doctor said the bullet went to through his chest past his heart but they got the bullet removed and his doctor that saved him knew she was going to save his life we all smiled because we're glad that she believed that he would live I would want to meet his nurse she deserves a huge thank you. We was in Nick room just watching him sleep and rest

Nathaniel-"Listen you guys I need to go to sleep I have things to do in the morning I'll come by tomorrow"

I kissed my mama and auntie on the forehead I gave my brothers hugs and left the hospital.

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