Chapter 26

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Three Whole Months
I was chilling at this stupid house Katoya and I bought. Today Katoya is letting me hang with the kids at the park and we all going out to eat. Nalani is seven months now and is crawling. I missed her first word but I'm there regardless. I miss my fiance and kids, Kenny doesn't even call me dad anymore he is back calling me NT which is so wierd but I accept that. I got up and put my hair in a bun. When I got to the park Katoya was pushing Nalani on the swing I popped up behind her.

Katoya-"Hello Nathaniel"

Nathaniel-"How you know it was me"

Katoya-"I don't know"

I reached for Nalani she smiled I picked her up. Katoya walked away sitting down. I sighed, she doesn't acknowledge me. We speak but then it's so dry like somebody forces her to speak to me. I was playing with Nalani Kenny came over

Kenny-"Hey NT"

NT-"Hey buddy how are you"

Kenny-"I good"

I walked to the picnic table and sat in front of Katoya as she was on her phone.

Katoya-"Hey mama baby how are you princess"

She was kissing her all over her face. I smiled. Nalani was giggling

Nathaniel-"How are you?"

Katoya-"I'm great actually working on a new clothing line for winter and Spring'

Nathaniel-"Oh that's great"

Katoya-"Yeah. What about you. How you doing"

Nathaniel-"I'm doing alright. I have been just working that's all"

See it's like she doesn't even miss me. I kind of sighed. I got up with Nalani to go play and walk around the track with her. Kenny came walking with me.


Nathaniel-"Yeah little man"

Kenny-"Did you hurt my mommy"

He looked up at me. I didn't even know how to answer that question. I know he already knows Kenny is a smart ass kid.

Nathaniel-"Your mommy and I had a fight. I'm sorry it was accident"

He did a smile.

Kenny-"I Forgive because I know you a good man but don't do it again. I want to be a family again mama isn't happy"

He was so serious but I can't blame me a nigga put his hands on my mama it's over. Wetopped sitting by the lake. Nalani was playing with my hair.

Nathaniel-"You mom is okay"

Kenny-"No listen to me mama cries at night I go sleep with her to help her and she sits up all night just looking at pictures"

Nathaniel-"I'll talk to her okay but us grown ups have problems"

He nodded his head. I was rubbing Nalani back playing with her she was squealing.

Katoya-"Y'all ugh I'm not feeling to well I'll let you take the kids out to eat Nathaniel"

NT-"How about we just go to my place"

She kind of rolled her eyes. She was staring at me.

Katoy-"Let's go to mine"

Nathaniel-"Fine with me"

We got in our cars. Shannon wants me to be with her and shit like who is she? I ended up paying almost paying three thousand dollars for a DNA test before the baby is here. I sent our DNA off a month ago and today or tomorrow the results should be here I'm so nervous because if this is my child there would be no way Katoya would want me but if it ain't my kid I want my family back and everything. When we got to Katoya house I ain't going to lie the house was huge and it looked good. As we were going in I was just watching Katoya body

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