Chapter 12 Mummy

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Being here in Greece is weird I don't remember anything and it's freaking me out, Anna kept trying to tell me stories on the plane but it wasn't helping in fact it was making me more anxious and I haven't got the main person who understands me I know I have Yatesy but I hardly know him, he knows my mothers past but  Jesse is my past and future he knows me probably more than I know myself but he is at home, but Greece is suppose to be my second home I stare out of the window of the Taxi  what if I can't remember my grandparents.

"Hey kid you ok?" Yatesy asks I nod but the look he gave me told me that he didn't believe me it was only me and him in the taxi other than the taxi driver of course "you can tell me what's up" I sigh.

"I don't remember my family and I should but I don't I thought being here would help" the taxi driver smiles.

"Ava don't worry".

We pull up outside the hospital there was a large group of people standing outside they turn to the taxi's as my aunt gets out it must be my family "oh fuck", Yatesy laughs "I have a big family".

"Yeah your mum said she was one of 8" I look at him wide eyed "They will understand" he smiles.

"They will smother me Yatesy" I laugh nervously.

I manage to get out of the car and when I do all eyes were on me "AVERY" they shout then look past me "Kris" some people say surprised but they ignore him and all walk in my direction I look to Yatesy for help.

"She's a little overwhelmed" he says putting his arm around me which halts the 20+ people "she wants to see her mum" they all nod  saying I understand apart from one but he doesn't look like he belongs with them he had fair skin and almost blond hair.

"Can't Avery talk for herself" he says stepping closer to Yatesy

"She's overwhelmed it's a lot for her " Anna says I smile to her and she comes to stand by my side "I'll tell you everyone later" she whispers.

Who are you?" Yatesy asks.

"I'm Nina's boyfriend Eric Davidson" when he spoke he sounded American "who are you?"

"Kristian Yates Avery's dad" I smile.

"I didn't even know Avery knew her dad he was apparently MIA". he was acting like a absolute ass and I could see it was grating on Yatesy, Yatesy turns to Athena who takes after my aunt Em she was younger than Em but older than my mum I know her because she came to Aus a couple of months ago.

"Can Nina have visitors" she nods, she was standing next to a older man and woman I can only assume they are my grandparents they have never been out of Greece apparently .

"Room 182" we begin to walk but Eric stops Yatesy.

"You're not family".

"No neither are you but Avery is so I'm going to support my daughter".

"Eric Stop" a male says annoyed "leave him.. Nice to see you again Kris" Yatesy nods saying nice to see you too" who is this person.

We find my mums room I see her lying helplessly attached to monitors it was like looking at myself I sit on the chair outside "are you not ready" Yatesy asks joining me I nod "it's fine we'll do it at your own pace" I smile.

"Yatesy it's like looking at myself" I bite my lip "I remember being in hospital people think I don't but I force myself to forget that time period".

"It's understandable, if you don't mind telling me what are the good things you remember".

"My mum singing and telling me stories" he smiles "I need to talk to her don't I" he nods as I stand up I go to walk into her room but look back.

"I'll be out here kid".

I take a seat next to her bed and take hold of her warm hand "hi mum it's Ava you'll be ok " I continued to speak by telling her stories of what has happened to me as well as retelling stories Anna told me about our childhood, I also tried to encourage her as much as I could just like she did me a year ago but there was no response I know it takes time but I just want my mum back she must of felt the same when it was me in the bed hooked up to all the machines, lack of sleep was taking over and my eyes  began to get heavy they soon closed I kept hearing people talking but was too tired to see who they were.

"Avery, Avery wake up" I open my eyes to see Yatesy he smiles "we have go to go" I shake my head.

"I can't leave her, I can't" he bends down on his knee taking my hand in his he looks at the nurse.

"Let her stay please" she sighs "please it's her mum" she nods I give Yatesy a big hug and tears begin to fall "it's ok to cry Avery let it out".

"Thank you so much".

Hope you enjoy this.

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