Chapter 2 Questions

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The door opens and in walks a kid who was scratched to high heaven I turn around as the sight of  the blood makes me feel sick, I move over closer to Jesse he was concentrating hard I see him jump a little as he must of seen me in his line of vision "what's up kid?"

"Why when Azza asked my name did looks get thrown about?" I whisper.

"I don't know Ava..!" He answers with a shrug picking up the binoculars

"It was a bit strange" I say quietly to myself.

A few minutes pass by as I watch the raindrops tap against the window it's quite soothing actually I feel my eyes get heavy and begin to close I lean my head against Jesse's shoulder, "is she asleep?" Azza asks.

"Yeah her aunt said she doesn't sleep well since the accident" I hear Jesse say what accident?.

"What happened?" Maxi asks.

"She was surfing in a competition when another rider pushed her off her board as they were on a wave, the doctors think she must of hit the reef. " he pauses "She doesn't remember anything from that day or before it it's like half her life has gone" I hear him sigh "she has been petrified of the sea since" that' explains the dreams.

"That's awful" Harrison comments.

"At 13 she surfed Ours she was fearless but..." Jesse's voice almost sounded tearful.

"When was the accident?" Harries asks.

"Almost a year ago the doctor said she may regain her memory but it's not certain".

"Poor thing she's such a sweet girl" H answers "she's very close to you". I don't hear the rest of the conversation as I fall into a deeper sleep.

I open my eyes slowly my head was now on a pillow on the desk "how long was I out?" I ask lifting my head so my eyes adjust to the light.

"A hour. Are you feeling alright?" I nod "here" he hands me a sandwich "you need it more than me" I push it back to him.

"No Jesse you've been working you need it" he goes to give it to me but I shout at him in Greek "Δεν τολμάς" he laughs.

"Where did that come from?"  Jesse says surprised the other men laugh.

"I don't know what you said but that was pretty cool" Harrison answered.

"You didn't swear at me did you?" I shake my head "good.. do you know any Greek swears?"

"Shut up Jesse" he nudges my shoulder and laughs.

"I've never heard Greek"

"Well you have now Boxy" Maxi answers as he was sitting on another chair near some filing cabinets.

"So Ava how do you know Jesse?" Box asks I panic I don't know I think Jesse sees it so answers  for me.

"Her cousin is  my best friend and she use to always want to hang with the cool kids so we had to babysit her" he chuckles.

"How were you even responsible?" Maxi jokes.

"I had a less concussions then" he answers with a laugh.

"Is your cousin a surfer?" I shake my head and laugh a little Ant surf he has no sense of gravity.

"No Anthony is a chef" I answer "in my uncles restaurant". My phone rings I look at the caller id it said mum with her picture my mum has long light brown wavy hair and green eyes..

"Hello" I smile.

"Oh Ava Em called me are you ok," even though I probably only see my mum once maybe twice  a year we are really close I guess what they say about a bond it can never be broken is true.

"Yes mama I was with Jesse" I hear a relaxed sigh, I can't imagine how she is feeling she is miles away from me.

"Ava why didn't you tell Em where you were going?" I sigh "Avery answer me".

"I didn't know I was going to be here, I just kept walking mama I'm sorry for worrying you".

"At least your safe that's the main thing, I love you, I'll call you tomorrow ok bye" I guess she's working today.

"Love you bye" I put down the phone, I really wish she could live here.

"Ava you alright?" Jesse asks putting his arm around me "your aunty is coming soon".

"I know I just miss my mum" Jesse hugs me tighter "Jess?"

"Yeah?" He shows a worried look which instantly relaxes when I crack a smile.

"You stink of fish" I laugh.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed" Maxi adds "lay off the tuna Mate" he laughs" I turn around and the tower was clear but the sun was peaking through the clouds.

"Have they gone back onto the beach?" what a dumb question.

"Yeah they went while you were on the phone".

I continue to watch Maxi and Jesse do their job. There was a knock at the door "it's probably my aunt" Maxi gets up from his chair quickly and opens the door I was right Maxi speaks to her for a minute introducing himself as I collect my belongs,I pick up my bag just as my aunt walks up the stairs to me, my blue eyes meet her green ones they looked worried.

"Oh Ava" she crushes me in a hug "you had me worried" she looks over to Jesse "thank you Jesse Nina thanks you too"

"It's ok Elma anytime" he smiles.

"Thank you Jesse will you thank everyone else for me please?.

"Of course we will" Jesse answers.

"Come on let's get you home and into bed" Em says taking my bag then arm "thank you again" Maxi and Jesse smile.

"See ya".

On the way home the car ride was silent but I get thinking why did the lifeguards give each other looks when they heard my name "aunt Em what's my dads name?" she gives me a confused look then looks back at the road.

"Ava I only know he's Australian and a surfer your mum didn't tell me anything about him why sweetie?"

"No reason" I answer looking back out the window watching the city pass me by. I would love to know who my dad is..but he could be anyone.

Hey guys what do you think? Hope Avery's memory loss is explained more.

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