Chapter Seven

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I opened the door and the rest of the day was alright. But i was still Shook. Hyungseobie never types just 'K'. We saw him with the same girl and i was actually super upset. If he's being distant because of a girl then i'm out.

I was planning to confess to Woojin pretty soon as well. Because i got to know him a little better /again/ I'm even more captured.

At school i wanted to speak to Seob, about confessing. But i didn't know how to approach him. It was pretty saddening that he quit hanging around us and he's found a new 'mate' . But he's still #1 best friend in my heart.
I was wondering around school at lunch when i finally found him in the library

I ran up to him and back hugged him. He seemed pretty shocked as he jumped. He saw my a sighed " i thought you was a ghost"

"Well at least you didn't throw your chair" i slightly chuckled. "Anyways i have news. And i am going to tell you it" i declared only to be shushed my the librarian.

He asked whats my news. I smirked and said "i am going to confess to Woojin. What do you think?"

He kind of sweated and stuttered on his words "w-well.. is-isn't it a b-bit early? I-i mean you just liked him.." he was acting suspicious but i just ignored it. It felt good to tell him I was confessing. I just needed an approval..


A/N: seriously running out of ideas ;-;'
Thanks for everyone whos reading though.

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