Chapter 13

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Last time:

He looks me in the eyes, brimming with tears.

"This is where my family used to live before the accident"



I intake a deep breath. I'm seriously shocked. I knew he lived with Jerry, I didn't know why, and I never bothered to ask.

"Oh Stets,"

"Don't give me any sympathy," he snaps wiping his eyes.

I look down.

"They were taken from me.. I hated being social. My family was so embarrassing all the time! One night they went out for ice cream.. My little siblings BEGGING me to come along for once. But I knew one of them would just end up shoving ice cream in someone's face causing everyone to laugh and draw attention"

He pauses

"I yelled.. Told them I hated being apart of this family.. That they were an embarrassment. I remember my little sister, breaking down crying. And I just slammed my door on her.. My parents somberly took the kids out. I assume the ice cream helped lighten their moods because they were singing and dancing in the car.. A drunk driver hit them.."

His voice cracks and he starts to break down.

"My oldest younger brother and my baby sister, and my dad died instantly. My youngest brother and mom where rushed to the hospital. They eventually died, my brother from extreme blood loss."

He is now violently sobbing into my lap. I stroke his hair and try to soothe him. By now I'm sobbing too.

"He got to live!!! He's in jail, being fed better than old people, LIVING" he screams through gritted teeth.

"Please don't ever leave me Paige. You and Jerry are all I have left.. I can't loose you too Paige," he whispers

I nod, tears streaming down my face.

"I will never leave you Stets.." I hug him.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Okay, this is extremely short but a lot of you had been asking about Stetsons family, so.. Tada! Notice how I didn't mention how Stetsons mom died? Pay attention to that ;)


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