Chapter 15

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I could feel every passing second counting down my numbered moments to live. John sat in the chair beside the bed anxiously looking around and fidgeting, Mary called several times looking for him, she still wasn't happy about him and Sherlock running off on the burglary case. It had taken an hour long phone call for him to finally calm her down enough and have her understand that I could have died at any moment.

I wondered where Sherlock was and I desperately hoped he'd be quick, the pain in my head hadn't returned yet but I assumed it would and when it did I knew I would most likely die.

Third Person POV

Sherlock entered the barn by pushing the heavy doors out of the way, they moved with a low groan and he slipped inside quickly. It was dark but the small cracks in the wood walls let in enough light to see. Sherlock crept forwards towards the rickety ladder that would take him up to the second floor and hopefully to the cure. The ladder was old and frail but held his weight as he quickly climbed up and got to his feet on the scuffed floor above. The barn was empty like he assumed it would be, Moriarty was already gone but he knew that the cure wasn't. He didn't care about finding Moriarty right now anyway, saving Molly's life had taken top priority and he was okay with that.

Birds fluttered around in the rafters the constant whoosh of their wings was the only sound other than Sherlock's creaking footsteps. He looked around for the cure and what it could be, looking down something caught his eye. There was a white line on the floor that disappeared under the leaves that covered the wood like a carpet. He stepped forwards and kicked the leaves sweeping them out of the way until he uncovered a sentence painted on the floor.

If you want her to take her medicine , you need to take yours. -JM 

There was an X crossed across a floor board beneath the writing, Sherlock knelt beside it and lifted the plank, it came off easily revealing a small wooden box beneath. He lifted it out and opened it, inside there were two syringes one was locked under a glass window preventing him from getting it, there was another note.

Once you've taken yours hers will be freed, don't try and trick me I'll know if you have and then she will die. -JM

Sherlock grabbed his phone just as it started to ring, "Mycroft." He said answering it.

"We have news," Mycroft replied. "Moriarty did in fact create a new type of poison, we don't know what it's called but we know what it does. It's attacking her brain, first it will drive her insane from the pain, then it will attack her memories, her thoughts and everything she knows will vanish until she is nothing; she won't even know how to talk. Afterwards it will deteriorate her brain, that will be what kills her and she won't be able to save herself."

Sherlock looked down at the needle, if he didn't do it Molly would die, but if he did so many things could happen and John would never forgive him. "Do you know what the cure is?" Sherlock asked hoping they could get it some other way.

"No I'm afraid that if you don't get it from Moriarty you'll never save her." Mycroft hung up and Sherlock let his phone drop to the floor at his side. It had been so many years and he had so many dark memories; things he had deleted and suppressed. 

He shrugged off his coat and picked up the needle, it was long and thin in his hand the liquid inside was colourless. He pulled his sleeve up and without another thought injected the needle into his arm. He felt the effects almost immediately, it came to him later that he'd just taken a random drug. He had no clue what it was everything came into focus before going blurry and moving around him in a spinning whirlwind. He was tired but at the same time had a lot of energy, somewhere he could hear his phone ringing.

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