Chapter 1

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Wirt was, not only concerned for whoever was crying, curious to know the reason why. He didn't bother with it the first time he heard, nor in the second, though when it started to become more frequent, he couldn't help but to wonder what was going on. 

He stood up from the chair he was sitting, and walked to the bed, where he sat and leaned in the direction of the wall. "Hey? Uh, are you alright?" The crying in the other room stopped for a while. Wirt nervously waited for an answer, hoping he wouldn't get screamed at, and questioning himself if it was a good choice to have asked.

"Who is there? Who are you?" The voice in the other side spoke. 

The boy in the bedroom was, indeed, relieved to hear a proper answer, though it didn't help him in calming down. "Uh, it's me. Oh, sorry, dumb answer," he laughed a little, "I'm Wirt, I'm your neighbor, and I was just wondering if you're ok" 

"Why the question?" 

"It just isn't the first time I hear you crying. Is everything going fine?" 

"Just some stupid nightmares. Though I shouldn't talk about it with a stranger" 

"You're the stranger here, you didn't even tell me your name!" 

"Dipper. That's my name" 

"So..  Uh, Dipper, do you want to talk about it? The nightmares. You're the only neighbor whose face I have never seen, so, if you tell me, I won't even know it is you" 

"I don't think you would understand" 

"May I know why?" 

"It's just... It's kind of messed up, and personal"

"Well, if you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep tonight. Think about it. Are you going to risk a stranger's health, only because you don't want to talk about something that is causing you to cry?" 

"I plan to"

"Oh, come on! Please!"

"Are you forcing me to talk about personal problems? What are you? A crazy psychologist?"

"My curiosity is going to get me killed one day"

"I feel you..." Dipper made a pause, and Wirt kept on waiting for a conclusion, "look, it's, uh, kind of stupid..."

"I don't even know you, so don't bother"

"I've been having this weird nightmares since I was a kid, they just don't make any sense, and, uh... They had stopped, but recently, they are back, and I don't know what to do with them"

"How did you make them stop in the past?"

"That's the point I've been missing. I don't know. I don't remember how I made them stop. I remember feeling really concerned about people thinking I was going crazy, and then, they just stopped. Nothing specific"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure!" 

The conversation kept on going, mostly with Wirt trying to help a complete stranger to get rid of nightmares, he had never felt so weird in his whole life, how was he talking to someone and not even knowing what their face looked like? His mind made some effort, attempting to bring back any memory that could include his neighbor's face in it, though it was in vain, just as he suspected, they had never seen each other. 

Wirt had, in his short history in that apartment, came across some really weird neighbors, who would usually play loud songs till late at night, or have constant fights during three am, and keep on breaking stuff by throwing them at the wall, and though the guy was used to all of the strange habits of his neighbors, that one was, by far, the weirdest of all. 

Of course, nightmares were quite common, and even Wirt himself used to have a few when he was young, but they surely didn't involve weird shaped creatures, sudden darkness, or whatever item in the list his neighbor had said. 


awfully short chapter, but I promise it gets better! 

Thx for reading it <3 

hope you enjoyed it 

Lov, Liv 

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