Chapter 17 - Guilt

Start from the beginning

I growled again, "Don't you have a mate?"

"Well, as an Alpha, I'm sure I do have a mate, but no, I haven't found her yet. That's quite alright though. Mates bring such weakness. Just look at the situation Elijah has gotten himself into. He never would've agreed to a war before he met you," Zane told me.

I felt a pang in my chest at Zane's words. I wasn't one to be hurt or offended, but I knew he was right, and that was what hurt the worst. I knew I was unintentionally the cause of these negative happenings in Elijah's life. I knew he loved me, but perhaps I was more of a curse to him than he realized.

"Fuck you," I growled, refusing to show my moment of weakness.

Zane simply chuckled again. I was growing insanely tired of his chuckles.

He didn't make any further comments, so I used the moment as an opportunity to rest my eyes. Although the drugs had worn off, they left me feeling exhausted. Perhaps I could get some sleep for the few hours that I'd be in the car so I'd have a clear mind when I saw Elijah.

Much to my surprise, I dozed off rather quickly.

My sleep was dreamless, which I found surprising considering the amount of drugs that had been pumped through my system the past few days. Although I'd never tried to sleep in a car before, something about it was oddly comforting. Zane and Liam didn't speak much, and they didn't have any music playing either, so the only sound around me was the light hum of the tires on the pavement.

I was awoken sometime later by the brakes being slammed, causing me to lurch forward and nearly fall into the floorboard. I grumbled to myself as I straightened myself up, still feeling disoriented from my nap.

"We've arrived princess," Zane said with amusement laced in his voice.

"And that's how you two decided to stop the car?" I growled lowly, even more annoyed now that I knew they'd slammed the brakes intentionally.

"We had to make sure you woke up," Zane replied simply before letting himself out of the vehicle.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes, stretching my arms out a bit as I slid closer to the door and pushed it open. I was ready to get out and stretch my legs, but even more ready to see my mate. Elijah still hadn't mind-linked me, which told me he was still unconscious. The anxiety hiding in the pit of my stomach grew as I anticipated seeing Elijah. Not knowing what condition he was in made the anxiety even worse.

"I'll take you to the infirmary," Zane said as I got out of the car, gesturing for me to follow him.

I sped up and forced myself to snap out of the grogginess at Zane's words. I didn't want to waste any time getting to Elijah, after all, and I needed to appear to have my shit together so he didn't worry. Elijah only needed to worry about himself right now, not me.

The first thing I noticed about Night Fire pack was that it's climate and scenery was like nothing I'd ever seen before. There were absolutely no trees, no grass, and little to no breeze. The air was hot and dry, the sky was clear, allowing the sun to pierce everything in sight, and the ground appeared to be nothing but dirt and sand.

"Such a homey place," I mumbled as I followed behind Zane to the pack house doors.

"It's an acquired taste," he rebutted.

Although I'd only seen two pack houses so far in my days as Luna, I felt the Night Fire pack house was extremely unique. It stood just as large and tall as the others, but was a light red-brown in color with oddly curved features, resembling an adobe-style structure. It appeared to have four floors and was surrounded by smaller, similarly styled structures that were likely stores and other facilities, just like in the other packs.

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