The Tears Of Blood

Start from the beginning

Mira and I made some waffles for breakfast and went to school. I showed her all the food trucks and little booths that Karma and I saw yesterday.

We marched our way up the hill were we split up and went to our own groups of friends. Nagisa, Kaede, Karma and Tomohito were waiting for me, I waved and smiled at them.

"What took you so long?" Asked Tomohito.

"Just some family stuff no worries" I say recalling the night before.

They seemed to buy it so we all went to class. I was about to go in when Karma stopped me.

"Now what's the real reason you were late" he asks, grabbing my shoulder.

Unfortunately he also grabbed a bruise causing me to wince in pain. He looked at me suspiciously and checked me arm were he found the bruises. That caused him to check my other arm, my legs, my back and my stomach.

When he was done he tuned back to me and said "why didn't you tell us?"

He didn't give me time to answer because he had grabbed my hand and dragged me to class.

"Koro-Sensei!" He said busting open the door.

"I need to talk to you in Privite" Karma said.

Everyone was looking at us. Some were whispering while others didn't seem to care. Koro-Sensei and Karma went to the teachers lounge and didn't come out for a few minutes. Everyone had formed a small circle around me by the time they came out.

Koro-sensei checked me up and down exposing my beatings to my classmates. Everyone gasped, I just wanted to crawl into a hole forever.

"Lucy, you shouldn't have to think that you need to hide something like this. Please tell me who did this" Koro-Sensei said to me.

"I-it was my fedrer" I mumbled

"Come again?" He asked.

"IT WAS MY FATHER" I yelled.

Everyone gasped. Koro-Sensei's face twisted into something demonic. His yellow skin turned pitch black, his eyes turned red and his once harmless smile now a mouth of fangs.

"I will be Wright back" he said in a demonic voice and took off.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have reported him to the police" Asked Tomohito.

"Because I don't have anywhere else to go, I would be homeless. I had to stitch up this wound because I couldn't risk going to the hospital" I say showing them my still bleeding stomach. A girl with glasses and braids fainted at the sight.

Just then Koro-Sensei came back with 4 big bags. He was back to normal to.

"It had occurred to me that if your dad is now in jail than you would have no place to go. Mirajane could you call your parents and tell them that you're going home?"

Mira nodded and ran outside.

"Now lucy has no place to go so I thought that she could stay at each persons house for a week until we can find her a home. Who ever thinks that there parents wouldn't allow this please go back to class"

About half of the class went back inside.

"Now who wants to help Lucy first?" Koro-sensei asks.

At first no one raised there hand but then Tomohito did, than Nagisa, Keade and Karma. I smiled at them thankfully.

"Thanks you guys" I say while crying.

Tomohito looked panicked. "Why are you crying!? Crap did I do something wrong?" He asks.

"Silly, I'm crying because I'm happy" I say wiping away the tears.

~~~Later that night~~~

Tomohito had helped me get settled into the guest room. His parent's were away on vacation for the week so they wouldn't even know.

"Do you need anything else?" Be asks me

"No but thanks. I'm going to sleep soon" I say.

Be nods and go's back to his room. I take out a piece of paper and pencil and start wrighting.

Dear mom and dad,

Today was the best day of my life! I may have left Fairy Tail but these people care about me. I made some friends to!

Nagisa is kind and caring but can be an assassination machine when he needs to

Tomohito is the boy I'm staying with now. He loves baseball and has a good outlook on life.

Karma looks intimidating and has a history with violence but I know he has a soft side. I've seen it myself. Although he is super strong, and smart, and I love his hair colour. I would be lieing if I said I wasn't jealous.

Kaede is sweet and energetic and has a can do attitude. She is so friendly and adorable!

I know you would approve mom. If I can't go back to Fairy Tail I know I could make a living here. I hope you, dad and Eclare are having a nice time in heaven.

~Love Lucy .H

P.S. why do I feel like I can read people like a book? Like I could Kill Koro-Sensei with ease? Like im some sort of snake. I feel weard in this body. I like it but I hate it too. Do you know what it is?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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