You may now kiss the bride

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Aphmau's POV:

"I can't do this" I get up but get pushed lightly back down on my chair, "don't worry, this is the day you've been dreaming about when you got together with him" Lucinda says as she creates a bun with my atrocious hair. I sigh in defeat as she's right and I'm just a scared mess if I screw things up, "What if I trip and fall? What if I knock down one thing and everything goes down? What if he says n-" "Aphmau stop! You're not going to do any of that, no one can pull of being the luckiest girl in the world other than you so get up and walk down that isle and say 'i do' and everything will fall into place" she pushes me up and put the door to see Kaitlyn's Dad beside me (since her Dad/Zach is 'not here'), he smiles at me, "ready to go sugarcube?" I nod and hook my arms with his and take a step. As I walking down the white carpet, the girls starts tearing up and the boys smile widely trying not to cry, Eric unhooks our arms and tell me 'that since you're Dad isn't here, just know that I'm so proud of you' and then walks away as I come face-to-face with the love of my life, Gene.

The man says words and then we start saying the vowels, "Gene (L/N), do you take Aphmau (L/N) to be with you're wedded wife and love each other til death to you two apart?" Gene looks me lovingly in the eyes, "I do",
the man turns to me, "and do you Miss Aphmau (L/N) take Gene (L/N) to be your wedded husband and love each other til death to you two apart?", I stare back lovingly as a tear drops from my face, "I-I do". Gene smiles, "I shall pronounce you two, Husband and Wife" cheering was created and a kiss was made as I was twirl around in Gene's arms, we walk down the isle to have some fun with friends. After the wedding we headed off to our honeymoon when I ask Gene a question, "Why do you love me?" He takes my hand and looks me in the eyes, "I love you because you always make me smile and laugh when I'm done, you always know what to do when I don't, you take car of me when I'm sick, you always got my back through any problems and I got yours too, I always wake up to an amazing breakfast everyday and I couldn't have it any other way" he kisses my hand and another tear of joy dropped from my face.

(Im not writing anything after that sentence).....

A shadow knight and his kitty//GenemauNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ