Will you do me the honour and...

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5 months later...

Aphmau's POV:

Gene's been acting off lately...it's movie night and he's sweaty, a lot and it's a happy movie, I don't get it. I grab the popcorn bag from the microwave and dive into the couch with Gene's arm around me. After the movie ends, I check the time, '6:58pm' damn... he peeks over and breaths in sharply, "Hey babe, you want to go out for dinner?" I kiss his cheek as the reply and dash to the bedroom.

I wear a hoodie dress matched with black laced stockings alongside some galaxy heels and purse, Gene knocks twice and I open the door.

Gene's POV:

Oh god. She's perfect. I lead her into the car and drive off to her favourite restaurant, 'Olive Garden', "AAAAAAHHHH BREADSTICKS!!!!"  She yanks my arm, dragging me into the place, I reserved the best seats in the house so we could see the amazing view, we ate delicious food (*ahem* lots of breadsticks). Once we were done, I dragged her to a beautiful beach, she looked at the waves while I positioned myself, I kneel down on one knee and to get her attention.
She covers her mouth as tears of joy start to fall out of her eyes, "Aph, ever since the day we met, I couldn't take my mind off of you, you've always cared for me and now I want to do the same, forever, will you do me the honours of marrying me?" "YES!" She kisses me as I twirl her into a huge hug, I slipped on the ring and rushed home to sleep, I kissed her forehead as I dozed off into the darkness.

How did I get so lucky?

A shadow knight and his kitty//GenemauWhere stories live. Discover now