"Of course! Just because he's a murderer doesn't make him a bad guy!" I whisper out harshly, my brother shot me a look telling me to stop while I was at it.

I grumble, "He's actually a good guy is what I'm trying to say," I snap out, playing with one of my curls, "He may not show it much but he does slightly care and he might even have a heart," I say.

Asher spun me around while shaking his head, "He's still dangerous Iliana," He says sternly, sending me that brotherly look.

I shook my head, "You don't understand Asher, we're all dangerous," I retort and he spun me outwards but instead of being pulled back in someone grabs my hand and spins me into their chest.

I let out a sigh of relief when I met Bens eyes, "My hero," I say sarcastically, placing a hand on his chest.

His chest rumbled as he chuckled, "You remind me of a rainbow," He whispers.

My eyebrows knit forward and I look up at him with a questioning look, "Because I'm so colourful?" I question out.

He shook his head, "Because even if you mess up bad, you always come out of it still shining. Your the bright light after a hurricane, the rainbow after it rained." He says.

I was rendered speechless and that doesn't happen often for me.

I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek before pulling away, "I'll be back!" I say, heading towards the restroom without looking at him.

I shook my head stoping mid step when I heard a faint whisper echo through the room, spinning around I narrow my eyes, searching for whatever made that sound.

"Want to play a game?"

I felt shivers run down my back, I head out towards the back doors that led outside. I push them open and step outside. The cold air nipping at my bare skin.

"Come on Della."

I froze in my spot, "Who's out there?" I snap, feeling something inside of me rumble around.

"It's called you run while I chase you!"

I hear a loud bang and take off, kicking off my heels while running into the woods bare foot. I heard it behind me chasing me, it's deep laughter taunting me.

I cry out and push myself harder, making my legs go faster as I take off through the dark night. Of course when everything was going perfect something bad had to happen. Why didn't I just ignore the voice.

I would still be dancing right now if I never left Bens side.

Grumbling out I trip over a tree branch and land on the ground hard. Idalia was going to kill me once she seen the dress.

I spun around when I hear tree branches cracking and my eyes met with a pair of glowing yellow ones.

"What do you want?" I snap out, my voice crackling.

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