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       Elora awoke with a start on the linoleum floor of Stiles Stilinski's hospital room, drenched in a cold sweat as she recognized the space without recollection of how she got there.


       The witch's pulse quickened, sudden fear overriding her unanswered questions as she forced herself up from the floor.

       The power surged around El as she stumbled into the hallway, doctors and nurses still running up and down frantically.

       Not trusting the elevator, Elora made her way to the stairwell as she called Charlie, pressing her phone to her ear as she descended. Her feet moved quickly, blood rushing in her ears so loud it was nearly deafening.

       "Elora? What's wrong?" Charlie questioned, his voice dusted with sleep.

       "Get to the hospital now. I don't know what's happening, but it isn't good." El hung up as she hit the bottom floor, bursting from the stairwell and into the lobby.

       Elora ran outside, the scene around her brutal with rogue electricity and tens of people zapped like bugs. Water had been the source of the wide spread pain, El unaware she had been the one to burst the fire hydrants - the one to free the electricity to do its damage.

      Just as Elora was about to find Isaac face down in the electrified pool, she saw Kira Yukimura in all her glory.

       Kira, unharmed in the sizzling water, held the sparking wire Elora had severed and although with a soft pause, capped the frayed wire with a bare hand.

       Her eyes sparked a burning orange, reflecting the electricity she was absorbing instead of being harmed by.

       The surge was done, Elora's initial damage resolved.

       Elora's instinct told her to run, and before she could fully comprehend it, she reached Isaac, lying on his side in the water.

       "Isaac?" El's heart pounded in her chest as she dropped down next to him, putting a hand on his neck. "He's not breathing," she quietly said before sharply turning over her shoulder, Derek already halfway to her with Scott close behind. "He's not breathing!"

       She did this. She did this.

       The blame was there, deep in her soul, but it couldn't make its way to light under her utter fear.

       Derek swooped in the moment he reached the couple, picking up Isaac from the ground. "Come on, El."

        El, Derek and Scott jogged for the hospital, Allison meeting them on their way in.

       "He saved me," Allison panted. "He couldn't get ahold of you, El, so he asked me to drive him here to find you. He pushed me out of the way before I could step in the water. He saved me."

       "Now we just need to save him," El said as Isaac was put on a gurney, the group rushing alongside it.

       "You guys have to stay out here," Melissa said as she continued to push Isaac toward the ICU, sweat lining her brow.

       "Two people said they saw Stiles' Jeep leave the hospital."

       Elora winced against the unknown deputy's voice budging into her ears, the twenty year old having stopped short at the double doors Melissa had taken Isaac through.

       The witch swore, surrounded by Scott, Allison and Derek despite feeling utterly alone. She sharpy turned, slamming a fist into the nearest wall, breaking through the plaster with ease.

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