"You know Amphere..." Rudolf finally talked. "I would smash this wheelchair to your face if I could."

"The duchess is right." I said. Then I looked the golden badge in my hand "I shouldn't be keeping this honor and live like I'm the real hero."

"You know it wasn't the case. She's just upset about what happened to Airelina and Estoff. She's in a mental condition where she would put the blame on someone. But sooner or later, she will discover the relevance of Airelina and Estoff's sacrifices."

"Sacrifices?" I gave out a single laugh. "They sacrificed themselves for me, to have a fake honor?"

"That fake honor will help the Dragonoid Rights Bill to be passed. It may be a moral and emotional defeat, but it was a strategic win. I know that Estoff is laughing up there, and saying 'It's all falling under the plan' while drinking his beer."

"How about you?" I turned to him. "Don't you hate me? Because of my stupidity, you and Kyrie got gravely injured."

"Believe me, no one hates you. You should hate me more because I almost sniped your heart out. I felt the same way. I thought I just killed a precious comrade. That is truly a vexing experience. I've been having nightmare since then and made me thinking...What if I shot Kyrie next by mistake? It took me a day until I realized that worrying is the most useless thing you can do. So you have to stand up, get over it, stop whining about your mistakes, and be a man! Don't think of what you have done in the past. Think about the future!"

My eyes widened in awe. This man, who looks like a sitting potato, is now delivering a speech better than those overly optimist motivational speakers. I hid my chuckle, and then looked at him with a smile. "You and your movies should definitely go to the garbage. But anyway, thanks man."

We answered with a fistbump. Kyrie made a beautiful smile as she witnessed the two best friends come together.

Airi and I were left in the room after a few minutes. I looked at the handkerchief again and cherished the moments we have shared together. She was as adorable as back then when she was five. I never thought that I would see her again. Destiny is surely playful.


The heart monitor gave a long beep. Airi's heart is no longer beating.

My head went completely blank. I can't believe that my nervous system shut itself down.

Is it Airelina's end!?

The doctors and nurses came, murmuring some numbers and terms I couldn't comprehend. They pulled out a defibrillator, shocked her heart twice, thrice, four times. But her heart fails to be revived. My eyes widened as I heard the doctor's words.

"Time of death... Ten forty four AM."

There was a surging pain in my chest, and in my brain.

W-What the heck is this!?

Why is this happening!?


There was a hard tap on my shoulder. "Amphere!" It was Richard, who was trying to get my attention the whole time. "Carry Airelina's body. I know a way. If the Holy Guardian was able to revive me, then there's no doubt that she can revive Airelina!"

Right! Richard was revived due to the experiments of the Cathedral Exa. There's still a chance to retrieve Airi!

Without any hesitation, I removed all the electronics and dextrose tubes on Airi and carried her in my arms, princess style. I murmured "I'll totally save you!" and then we jumped to the portal Richard created.

We're back in the Cathedral Exa. The church seemed to be in ruins, and there are vines crawling everywhere on its medieval style brick walls. There are priests who are wearing white hooded cloaks who hide their faces.

"Over here!" Richard raised his hand as he ran through the hallway. I followed him while heavily panting.

We ran through a dark spiral staircase leading to the deepest part of the Cathedral. I do research this place before, but I have never been able to discover this particular area. I was astounded when at the end of the staircase, a giant wooden door with a sigil of a crucified dragon blocked our way.

As if reading our minds, the door opened itself.

Inside, is a spring full of glowing blue waters. There are golden light particles dancing through the thin air. In the middle, is a beautiful woman about twenty five years of age, wearing a priestess' kimono. Her silver hair and crimson eyes with black sclera made all my skin hairs stood up. She reached out her arms to me.

"The boy has finally made his appearance. I've been waiting for you for a long time... Amphere Harrison."

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