Chapter 5.

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The next day after Karan's party and the fight...

ALIA's p.o.v

In the morning, I had my breakfast and then sat in my living room and started thinking about all the events that took place last night.

I was happy because I ended things with Sid since he has recently became a very suspicious and jealous man, but the one who I was worried about was Varun, because he was the one who defended me and fought with Sid for me and also he was a bit hurt on his face.

And after a few minutes, Shaheen came back and she brought me out of my thoughts as she said 'Hi' and kissed me on the cheek, 'Hey' was my reply as she sat down next to me.

'Was Varun really here yesterday??' Shaheen asked me.

'Yeah, he just gave me a ride but he didn't come in. How did you know??' I asked.

'You know media and articles!' She answered.

'Oh.' Was my short reply.

'But you told me you were going with Sid, what happened??' She asked again.

'We broke up!' I said like it was the simplest thing in the world.


'Yeah, and don't ask me why because I won't tell because I don't want to talk about it.' I told her knowing that she would ask me.

'Okay, but I'll know sooner or later.' She said rolling her eyes.

As soon as I was about to ask her how she spent her night, the doorbell rang.

'I'll open it.' Shaheen said as she stood up and went to see who it was.

Varun's p.o.v

As soos as I finished my breakfast, I decided to go and see Alia because she was so sad.

So I went to her house and Shaheen opened the door for me.

'Hey!' I said hugging her.

'Hi,how are you?' She asked as we pulled away.

'I'm fine, you?' I asked her and I was avoiding looking her in the eyes so that she wouldn't notice the injuries on my face.

'Me too.' She replied, 'Long time no see huh!?' She added with a smile.

'You know shooting and promotions.' I said and added, 'Is Alia here?'

'Yeah, yeah! Come in.' She said as she allowed me in, 'She's in the living room.' Shaheen added as she closed the door and we entered.

'Hi Alu!' I said giving Alia a hug.

'Hey!' Alia said hugging me back.

'How are you? Did you manage to sleep yesterday?' I asked her as I took a seat next to her and Shaheen was sitting in front of us.

'Yeah! We can say I'm fine and I slept for a bit.' Alia answered.

And before I could say anything else, Shaheen cut me to it and asked, 'What happend to your face?' She asked me.

'You didn't tell her?' I asked Alia and she shook her head in response.

'What didn't she tell me?' Shaheen asked again looking between the both of us.

'Okay, last night... ' I was interrupted by Alia as she held my hand and shook her head at me telling me indirectly to not tell Shaheen.

'Alu, she should know, she's your sister.' I told her and after a few seconds she nodded, so then I told Shaheen all the story and all what happend last night by details.

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