"Why do I get the impression that she was swearing at him and pushing him and stuff?" Andy laughs.

"That's exactly what she was doing! It was pretty funny to watch." I laugh.

"And Skye didn't even come save me! Some friend she is! And just for the record, the outfit I was wearing that night was not skimpy!" Liv pipes up.

"Ooooh!" Mikey shouts.

"Shots fired!" Rye laughs.

"Whatever Liv! Anyway, by the time we were leaving Liv was completely off her face and she could barely walk from the amount of drinks she had. I pretty much had to trail her about. We eventually made it outside and we set off walking home, having to stop every now and then for Liv to laugh at random things like cats, lampposts and signs that she has read wrong." I continue and all the boys laugh.

"That cat was funny!" Liv says laughing.

"What's funny about a cat?" Jack asks.

"Everything!" She replies.

"You're so random!" Jack laughs.

"When you're quite finished!" I shout, hating being interrupted.

"Sorry!" They chorus.

"So, we got the length of Starbucks and I'm still trailing her to get her to move but still supporting her so she stands. It's actually harder than it looks. And of course Liv decides she wants to steal the massive plastic coffee cup that sits outside the shop that is bolted into the ground. She literally gets down on the ground and wraps her arms and legs around it and tries to pull it out of the ground!" I laugh.

"What the actual hell?" Rye laughs.

"I wanted it." She says innocently while laughing.

"So I'm standing in the middle of the street trying to prize her off this huge plastic cup, which took a good ten minutes as she was so persistent. I was actually starting to lose my patience at this point. So I finally got her off the cup and she then decides to run the rest of the way home, across roads, in front of cars and shouting about her love for some person in a band while she almost gets hit by cars. You just had to be there to see her and hear her." I laugh hysterically.

"It took us an hour and a half to get home which is usually a half hour walk. But we eventually got home and Liv decides to lay down on the ground outside the apartment and she wouldn't come in so I locked her out and went to bed." I explain.

"Are you joking?" Mikey laughs hysterically.

"That is the best thing I've ever heard in my life." Brooklyn laughs.

"I would loved to have seen that!" Rye says and Liv covers her face in embarrassment.

"I probably have pictures and videos somewhere." I say, laughing.

"No thanks we don't want to see them!" Liv shouts.

"Yes we do!" Jack shouts.

"If I ever find them, I'll be sure to show you boys." I reassure.

"I hate you." Liv groans.

"I'm hungry! Let's get food!" Brooklyn shouts.

"You're always hungry!" Andy shouts back. And with that, the whole house scrambled out of the living room to get ready to go into town.


Updating schedule: every weds and if you get the view count to the goal I set you get an update!

View Goal - 50

Fourth Question:

Who was the third member to join RoadTrip?

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

ShannonCurrie14 and we both hope you're enjoying the story so far, I promise you, we have funny moment, heart to hearts and so much more coming your way! So stay tuned, share with other roadies and comment your answer down below and if you're write you'll get a shoutout next chapter! 


much love xox

Shan and Chloe

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