instagram captions #6

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*Picture of Benji holding the camera and vlogging himself*
- Future YouTuber! He loves it 👦🏻😊📸

*Picture of Theodore sleeping*
- My sleepy boy. I can finally take a shower 😊👶🏻

*Picture of RJ holding Coralei and Theodore in his arms while Benji is holding onto RJ's neck. Dobby is sitting in front of RJ*
- My family guys 😂👧🏻👦🏻🐶👶🏻

*Picture of Will baby wearing Theodore, RJ baby wearing Coralei, Benji and Dobby*
- Family Runyon trip 😍😊🌳

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Dobby and Theodore all laying on the floor together*
- It's a tummy time party! 👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻🐶

*Picture of Will and RJ cuddling in bed. RJ is sleeping*
- Sleepy RJ 😴💤

• These are going to be from RJ's account🌲They are in no typical order!

*Picture of RJ working out*
- Good morning! Nice work out before work! 💪🏼

*Picture of Benji smiling*
- Happy to see this smile! 👦🏻

*Picture of RJ and Coralei smiling brightly*
- Busy editing videos with my sidekick princess 👧🏻👑

*Picture of RJ with Theodore. Theodore is giving RJ a serious face*
- Hanging out with little man while Will works out. Theodore loves to give me weird looks like this 😂👶🏻

*Picture of RJ and Benji*
- Volunteered in Benji's kindergarten class today! He loves having Will and I help with the class! He is growing up so fast 😊👦🏻

*Picture of RJ and Will*
- Playing adult board games while the kids are in bed 😂👍🏻

*Picture of RJ and Will kissing*
- Love my hubby so much 😍

*Picture of Benji and Coralei sitting together in a booth*
- Coralei requested to sit next to Benji. Look at these cuties 👦🏻😍👧🏻

*Picture of Will playing with Benji, Coralei, and Theodore*
- Came home to this cute sight. So blessed to have an amazing family 👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻👱🏻

*Picture of RJ and Benji wrestling*
- Wrestling with my big boy! 👦🏻

*Picture of Will kissing RJ's cheek*
- Date night 💋

*Picture of RJ with Will at the gym*
- Gym date 💪🏻💪🏻 

*Picture of Will, RJ eating cheesecake. Theodore is in RJ's arms*
- Our perfect date night in! Eating cheesecake, baby cuddles and movies! 😘

*Picture of RJ and Benji together. Benji has a little mohawk*
- Took Benji to get a haircut and he wanted another mohawk 👦🏻

*Picture of Coralei smiling*
- She loves to smile and show her pretty teeth 😘😇👧🏻

*Picture of RJ and Dobby going on a walk*
- Taking Dobsters on a walk! 😊🐶

*Picture of Coralei and Benji laying down on the floor with Dobby. They are all covered up*
- Slumber party ☺️

*Picture of Benji showing his burn scars*
- Benji never likes to show his burn scars to anyone, not even Will and I. But, he came up to me tonight and he told me to take a picture of them to show all of you what fire can do to your skin. He is extremely smart for his age and he really loves to teach people things. 😭

*Picture of Coralei, RJ and Benji*
- Decide to take these two out for some fun while Will and Theodore relax and nap. 👦🏻👨🏻👧🏻😇

*Picture of RJ laying in bed with Will*
- Bedtime 💤😴

*Picture of Will, RJ, Theodore, Dobby, Coralei and Benji*
- Family pictures are my favorite thing now! I love having pictures of the kids growing up 👱🏻👨🏻👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻🐶

*Picture of Will, Theodore and Coralei sleeping*
- Shhh, its nap time 💤😴

*Picture of RJ wearing Coralei. She is behind him. Will is baby wearing Theodore and Benji is holding Dobby's leash*
- Runyon day! Benji and Coralei are having a blast! Theodore is even more alert today too! 🌳😊

*Picture of Dobby, Theodore, Coralei and Benji*
- These four are so so cute! 🐶👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻

*Picture of RJ and Will cuddling*
- Cuddles with my bb 😍😊

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