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The Light Brigade
word limit - unlimited
points earned - 9

There are few set rules in the universe, none of which can be broken. These laws dictate light, dark, day and night, and everything in between. Every decree moulds our life, keeping it healthy and secure. Most rules are unbroken indefinitely, yet at this day, one rule would be broken in the view of warriors.

Up marched five felines, their gazes filled with rage. Their path was not easy, and this final trek to the hidden valley was difficult to even to a healthy cat. A sandy-coloured tom-cat with great peridot eyes, lynx-like ears, and lengthy, knotted fur, trotted alongside two she-cats, his eyes clouded in thought. Beside him stood a regal, elegant garnet tabby with shining golden eyes, and an anticipating stare directed beyond. Lastly, covered in grime and dust, padded a small, lithe calico-and-white she-cat, equipped with nimble paws and a long, tendril tail. While this young molly was average, it was her eyes that let her be seen, that let her defy laws of the colours of flames. Shining in the calico's sapphire eyes were brilliant azure embers, their rich tones of blue vibrant among her inky black pupil. Her fiery lenses drank up her innermost fury, relishing every single drop of pure anger. The cobalt firestorm, a swirl of wrath reflecting in her hardened eyes, grew with every step she took.

The quintet travelled up the frigid mountains on the quest of finding the hidden valley where AsterClan hid. After days of being trapped in a cave, slowly dying of malnutrition, the clowder of cats had escaped at the dire cost of Grizzlyfang's life. An unknown she-cat had killed him in cold blood, yet the valiant Scottish Fold had sacrificed his life for them. The sound of her mentor's final breath plagued Koisplash as she searched for the safe haven, the small whisper ringing out in her delicate feline ears. Looking around on the bleak horizon, the only thing each cat could spot were countless granite peaks obscured by low-hanging fog and snow. Aside from the monotonous thump of paws hitting the stone, and the light zephyr singing throughout the summits, a cool silence sat upon the group of travellers. With each bound the calico took nearing the valley, the greater her ferocity towards the nameless killer grew.

"I smell water. We are getting close." called a Singapura tom-cat, Daisydust, to the rest of the group. Twitching her blush-pink nose, Koisplash sniffed the air, sensing a brackish odour coming from the crags. The marmalade calico nodded her head in agreement of the statement, easily recognising the faint stench of river-water. Although the past events had been truly horrifying, the lithe molly couldn't help but feel an impression of anticipation as they drew closer to the obscured vale. Countless stories of how AsterClan stole the rumoured-to-be beautiful gorge from the enemy clan's clutches swarmed the speckled she-cat's mind, the tales painting the Battle of the Falls as a heroic mush of fighting buzzed through her conscious. The valley was only used in times of need, hence why the juvenile warrior had never ventured to it. The calculated guess that her clan would take refuge in there was the only idea that the whole group had agreed on. Sharing a suggesting stare with the sandy-coloured tom-cat, Lynpxpaw, Koisplash searched even harder for the vale.

If on cue, a slight aegean blue shimmer appeared behind a wall of alabaster clouds to the left of Koisplash's sight. The faintness of the shine made the young calico doubt that it was even there, yet after a few seconds of hard staring, the glimmer became more defined. "Hey, Daisydust, I think I found it." she mewed with a vocal tremor in her voice. Pointing her rust-ginger paw towards the fog, the flecked molly let out a near-inaudible growl. When she reached her clan, the she-cat envisioned to tell them about her mentor's death, which would (in her fantasy) lead towards the hunt for the killer. "Good job, Koisplash. The waterfall is usually hard to spot. We should head over there right away; our clan must know that we are alive."

The Chronicles of KoipawМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя