1. Jung Ho // the accident

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I sat down impatiently in the hard white chair at a cafe. Continuously bouncing my left leg, I glanced at my watch again. People were chatting and laughing, machines running loudly, and little kids screaming as they ran around. I felt my throat get tighter and tighter as my lungs felt like they were getting twisted; ringed out like wet cloth. Sweat started to bead at my forehead and I cautiously bit my lip. Blood. I engulf that copper taste down my throat.

"Please, please hurry up." I complained to myself. I felt weaker and weaker by the second. Before I can say or think anything my vision blurred and everything went black. My body crashed to the floor with a loud thump. Instantly, people gathered around trying to shake me awake.
   I slowly opened my eyes, regaining full conscious. My head started throbbing in excruciating pain as if someone hit me in the head with a hammer.  I scanned around this dull white room. I followed the clear tube going down along my arm and into an iv. Just as I was about to touch my head, I felt a heavy weight holding my hand down. I shifted my sight to my hand to discover this boy holding onto my hand.

I can't see him clearly. Everything is still too blurry to make out faces. All I can see is that he has brown hair and is wearing black. Who is this guy?? I tried pulling my hand away, but he was too heavy. He was sleeping on my hand. What the hell? I jolted my hand back, causing him to awaken from his sleep.

"You're up?, Are you okay??" The boy asked worried.

Ahh...this voice. I know this particular voice. Kim Jung Ho. Also known as the most annoying friend ever. He is a skinny tall boy that has dark brown hair and eyes. He wears glasses that are too big for his face and a different pair of sneakers everyday. He also has these cute freckles. Jung Ho is your typical nerd. I met him in late middle school at a musical recital. He is a year younger than me and I make fun of him quite a lot. Jung suk is annoying, but he cares for me quite a lot.

I shouted at the sniffling boy. His glasses are layed by my feet on the bed and his eyes are pink.

Was he crying?? No way.. I thought to myself.

Jung Ho sniffled again as tears crept into the corners of his eyes. "I- I'm sorry y/n..I tried to come as fast as I can to talk to you but as soon as I got there, you were pale and passed out on the floor!!"

A single tear drop rolled down his cheek again. My mouth hung open slightly in amazement.

Wow..he really is a mess from this. I thought.

My shoulders shook up and down as i tried to hold in my laughter.

"Y/n, this is no laughing matter! why are you laughing??!" The boy angrily exclaimed. I shrugged and continued laughing. He's actually cute sometimes.
Jung Ho grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled my face close to his. We both stopped laughing as our faces were only inches away.

"Seriously...I was so worried about you." He whispered so close that i could feel his warm breath on my nose. My eyes opened widely as I try to comprehend what is going on. I blinked five times quickly and coughed very loudly onto his face, making him wince his face back.

"Uhm...you see the thing is," I started to whisper as I pulled my wrist out of his grasp.
"I need to be alone. Can you leave for a little while?" I ask softly with a small smile plastered on my face. Jung Ho nodded and exited the room.
Jung Ho came in moments later along with the doctor. Jung Ho looked surprisingly okay now.

"Y/n...," mumbled the doctor, "Do not worry too much, you just had gotten unconscious from not eating at all. Your body couldn't handle it. What have you been doing to not eat for days?" He asked.

"I uhmm..was uh ..practicing violin." I murmured sheepishly. I felt so dumb. He's right. How could I not eat over some instrument. Ah it's that simple though. I'm trying to practice a piece to get into a college of a lifetime. I need to go home and practice more.


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