I pursed my lips, my mind completely vacant, before humming in response.

We were swinging, back and forth, while looking at the darkened sky. Stars were sparkling and we could hear owls hooting in the distance. The silence was quite soothing, but Baekhyun decided to break it before it got too dense.

"You know," he started to say, "I barely see my brother. He works a lot and has to travel very often. I don't call him that much. I feel so guilty right now," he said as he frowned.

"One year ago," he continued, "Baekbom came to Seoul for two days. I was so focused on my work that I ignored him. I had promised my parents that I would meet him and welcome him. But, I behaved like an idiot and let him sleep in a damn hotel," he sighed.
"He didn't get angry at all, and had told to my parents that I must have been busy and that it wasn't that big of a deal."

I frowned.

"You admit that you've made a mistake, which is a good thing," I declared. "If you were a total idiot you would have blamed him for coming during such a busy moment or, you would have ignored it."

He lightly nodded.

"Yeah, bit still, I'm the worst..." he muttered.

I really appreciated the fact that he had apologised and confessed, although he really didn't have to. He wasn't aware of my past, and I shouldn't have asked him to get out of the house. But my aggressiveness tends to dominate when it comes to Yoora.
It was quite surprising for me to see him act that way. I always thought that he didn't care much about our contract, or the friendship we could build as two adults living in the same house. Maybe that was the right thing to do, though. Staying professional, smiling only in front of the cameras and not getting involved in each other's personal problems.

But here, Baekhyun had taken one step further, making me want get to know him better.

He was now looking down, his mocha hair covering his eyes, looking like a sad child.
I couldn't help beaming a bit, considering he had come to talk to me.

I got up.

"Do you want to eat an ice cream?" I asked.

I wanted to cheer him up a little.

"I know a local shop, it's just a few blocks away from here," I added, quite unsure.

He lifted his head a little before pushing his hair back.

"Of course I do!"


We got into a small night shop. An old man was sat next to the door, behind a cash register put on a metallic table.

We greeted him and headed to the fridge. There was a dozen of different types of ice cream and lollies, all in very colourful and tempting packages.

I cleared my throat before putting my hand on the door handle.

"Do you want a specific type of ice cream?" I asked before looking at him.

He looked around before raising an eyebrow.

"Strawberry?" he spoke, as his usual dark and serious eyes opened, showing me a childish gaze I hadn't had to see yet.

"I HATE HIM " | CHANBAEK  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now