"Thanks so much!" I thanked him later, when I arrived at my workplace. "How much do I owe you?" And I started to reach for my purse, but he said,

"Nah, you don't owe me anythin'. For you, it's free o' charge!" And I put my purse away. "While you're at work I'll have a look at your car and see what I can do to fix it, if that's okay." 

"Yeah. Thank you so much." I smiled, then turned round and started to walk into work before I turned round and asked,

"Wait, I never asked your name." 

"The name's Mater." He answered me. "You?" 

"[your name]." 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman!" Mater commented, to which I smiled again. "See ya!" And he towed my car away to be repaired. 

He's cute... I thought to myself. 


I was walking home one night from hanging out with my friends when I was suddenly pinned against a wall by one of the ruthless gang members from the alleyway, surrounded by his lackeys. 

"Give us all your cash and valuables, sweetheart!" He yelled in my ear. 

"Yeah well I can't exactly do that if you punks have me pinned against the wall, can I?" I replied, smugly.

"You bein' funny with us, gorgeous?" Another of the gang members shouted, and was about to hit me round the head with a wooden bat when I heard a gunshot, and the bat was knocked out of his hand, with a bullet hole through it. I turned round to see whoever had saved me, and saw a man standing there in a blue suit, polished black shoes, dark periwinkle hair and a thin black moustache, holding a gun in his hand. 

"You're lucky that was just a warning shot." This man remarked. He had a British accent. "Now I suggest you leave this young woman alone before someone gets hurt." 

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna make us?" The gang leader still stayed smug. 

"Me." Then he shot the gang leader in the foot. He howled in pain. 

"He shot me! That guy actually shot me! Get him, lads!" 

"I did warn you." The British man's voice remained calm. As the gang members tried to fight him, releasing me from being pinned to the wall, he managed to dodge out of the way of all their attacks, and managed to fight them, including using drop kicks. Soon, they were all on the ground, staring up at him in fear. 

"Now, I'm going to say this, and I'm going to say this only once, because I won't have the patience to say it again: Leave this young woman alone, and I don't want to ever see you near her again." He held up his gun and pointed it at them. "Is that perfectly clear?" 

"Run for it, lads!" The leader shouted, and they all ran, cowering, away and down the street until they were out of sight. 

"That... was amazing! Thank you!" I thanked him. 

"No problem." He looked at me and put his gun away on his belt. "I suggest you return home quickly. It's not safe out here." He turned away from me and was about to leave before he turned round and asked me, "Also, just wondering, what's your name?" 

"[your name]." I answered. "And who are you, mystery man?" 

"Finn McMissile." Then he turned and smiled at me before turning back around and running off down the street to who knew where. 

He's certainly mysterious... I thought. But he's hot...


I was waiting at my local airport in line for the emigration process when I felt someone bump into my back.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The voice of whoever bumped into me said. He sounded British. I turned round to look at him, and I saw a tall man in a white and black jacket, short black hair and some sort of yellow visor over both his eyes. He was picking up several papers and documents he'd dropped when he bumped into me. 

"Here, let me give you a hand." I knelt down and helped him pick up the papers. 

"No, honestly, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." 

"I still want to help you." And I helped pick up several papers off the floor. For one moment, we both reached for the same document, and our hands touched, just for a second. I blushed a little, and so did he. Then I passed it to him and within a minute, everything was cleared up.

"Thanks." He thanked me. 

"No problem!" I answered. "I'm [your name], by the way." 

"I'm Siddeley." He introduced himself. 

"Well, Siddeley, will I ever see you again?" I asked. 

"Yeah, you will. You'll see me around a lot of airports." 

"Oh, so you mean you're a pilot?" 


"Cool! Where's the next place you're going to be working at?" I also asked him. 

"I move around a lot, but for a short time I'll be stationed at the airport in Flanders, Belgium after today." 

"No way! That's where I'm going to on holiday!" I exclaimed. 

"Really? I might see you at the airport there, then!" And after looking at his watch, he said, "Sorry, I need to go. It was nice meeting you, [your name]!" 

"Nice meeting you too, Siddeley!" I agreed, turned around after giving me a playful wink. I could see 'A113' written on the back of his jacket, then he turned the corner and he was gone.

He's actually kinda cute... I thought to myself.

Cars Humanized Boyfriend Scenarios!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora