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"So grandma was a bet basically." Dan asked me.

"Yes and no. At first yes she was. I was trying to get back at Derek, not only that but crush Meri's heart so that she knew not to mess with me. But no because I slowly began to love her back and when she did admit to falling for me. And the guy gave me the money. She heard and was so upset but that come up in the story a little later." I told them.


I'm gonna win this bet no matter how hard it gets. Meri's gonna love me and I'm gonna take the cash. Heartless, I know. But a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.

"Ashton!" Meri shouted from the living room.

"Yeah." I replied walking down the stairs.

"My mum's here."

"I'll get your stuff."

Meri ran out the door in my tshirt, sweatpants and socks.

"Mum." Meri yelled wrapping her arms around some lady.

"Meri, you ready to go?" Meri's mum told her.

"I just need to get my stuff and we can go. I'm so hungry oh my god mum you don't understand."

I walked out with Harry handing Meri her stuff.

"Thanks. I'll give you these clothes tomorrow, washed and all." Meri told me.

"It's alright. You can keep it." I smiled.

"No,no. I'll bring them tomorrow. It's a brownie's promise." Meri answered doing the brownie's promise sign thing.

"Bye Meri." Harry said smiling.

"Bye Harry. Until next time." Meri smiled sweetly before hugging him.

"Irwin." Meri spoke sternly before nodding her head and jumping into her mum's 1969 cherry red mustang.

What? I know a little about cars.

"Thank you again Ashton. I'm Dana, Dana Clark." Meri's mum spoke shaking my hand.

"No problem."

With that they drove off.


"How was it?" Mum asked as I turned on the radio.

"How was what?" I questioned her confused.

"At that guys name. What his name?" She smirked.

"Ashton, Ashton Irwin." I replied looking out the window.

"He's quite cute."

"Mum. Eww. What the hell?" I cringed

What is this fuckery? My mum is the worse.

"Can you drive faster? I'm hungry." I urged.

"No. Not until you tell me how it was?"

"I cried, eat pizza and fell over. Now drive." I told her.

"Why did you cry Meri?" She asked pulling over the car. 


"Still having them dreams?" 

"It was only once. Just that time."

"Do you wanna talk about Meri?" 

"No." I muttered. 

"America, look at me." She spoke sternly.

I slowly turned my glance from the window to mum. 

"Meri, honey. He wasn't worth it and he won't ever be worth it." Mum said giving me a hug.

"But I loved him and he just threw it away. It's even worst since it was with my best friend. Mum. He hurt me and he won't leave me alone." I cried into her shoulder. 

"Meri, it breaks me to see you like this."Mum said as she stroked my hair. 

"Can we go home now?" I sniffled. 

"Yeah we can. There's  some Cookie Dough ice-cream in the freezer and your Mac is on your bed. There should be Netflix opened up and maybe possibly Supernatural or Teen Wolf." Mum told me as she drove the both of us home. 

"Thank you so much mum." I spoke. 

{BEING EDITED} How I Met Your Grandmother{Ashton Irwin fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now