Their first reaction was that he had probably gotten himself into more easily-avoidable trouble, which was hardly a topic of discussion anymore, given that it happened so often. They switched the track to Jason Derulo's Whatcha Say, and just hoped he could hear it from outside.

However, he came back into the practise room with The Brightest™ smile anyone had ever seen so far. This was, by far, unacceptable, and all six of them rushed over to ask what could possibly put him in such a great mood.

"You guys are never going to believe this," he began, his voice all fluttery with excitement.

They all began shouting possible scenarios that could have happened outside of the door, to which Lyosha replied with a middle finger and, "You're gonna have to listen if you want to know."

There was a suspenseful silence, during which Lyosha kept starting his sentence and eventually having to stop because there were apparently too many people staring at him.

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to resume practise without knowing what you got up to outside," said Zhoixei sarcastically, him and everyone else pretending to walk away.

"Alright, alright!" he exclaimed, gaining their attention again. "They took me outside and said some shit about responsibility, and then I asked what this was all about, and they said I've been chosen as The Sixth Idea's leader."

The practise room perhaps became louder than ever before, due to the medley of WAHEYYY, WHAT THE FUCK and a mix of girlish screaming and over-excited whooping. Lyosha even joined in with the screaming, considering this was definitely the most overwhelmed he'd been so far. He was quite positively, ridiculously dazzled.

Sure, everyone in the room had some part of them that wanted to be the leader. But they knew they'd have to celebrate anyway, in order not to leave a bad impression during an otherwise pretty impressionable state. Being led by Lyosha of all people, would be a challenge, to say the least. Just learn how to hide that thought, to grin and bear it.

That's how the night went. The only thing that could possibly add to the atmosphere would be a bottle of champagne, which unfortunately, no-one had. Jinsu actually offered to sneak into the then-closed cafeteria and steal some lemonade (with the purpose of pretending it was champagne), but it had to be declined because trouble was the last thing anyone wanted.

In fact, Lyosha never said anything negative the whole night — until he was tucked under thousands of blankets, listening to the sweet voice of Chet Baker on the radio while he reread Мастер и Маргарита for the third time, and he had the nerve to say, "Do you think I'll be a shit leader?"

His roommate, Kyungsoo (who was, at that time, changing his pillowcases), stopped and raised his eyebrows. "Did I just hear you doubting yourself?"

"Answer the question," said Lyosha, flatly. He pulled the top blanket over his head in order to avoid looking embarrassed.

"I think you'll make a great leader," he replied, cracking a smile. "Seriously. You're assertive. You're real leader material."

Lyosha had gone red. Luckily no-one could see. "Thanks, I guess." There was a tiny pause, wherein he thought about all the times Kyungsoo had not been as nice as previously displayed.

"My mum used to call me something, Kyungsoo," he began, pushing his head out from under the blankets. His face was still red. "I'll always remember it, because I know that Soviet Russia opposed this word, for whatever reason. It was..."

He trailed off, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What was it?" Kyungsoo asked, genuinely curious. He watched as Lyosha just lay there, unable to think what to say next.

"I can't think of the word in Korean," he finally said. "It was пошлость. It encompasses triviality, vulgarity and a lack of spirituality."

"Can you say that in words I may understand?" Kyungsoo was lost.

"It means I'm insignificant, rude and an atheist. She said it fondly, like it was supposed to be a compliment. But now I'm thinking, am I actually too пошлость to be a leader? In the overall view of things, I haven't actually made any significant contributions so far."

This was when Lyosha had to stop speaking, otherwise he'd fall down a whole full of mildly-traumatic childhood memories, something he was certain neither him nor Kyungsoo wanted to hear.

I guess what he forgot was that not everyone had the same bitter humour as his mother, and there were a lot more people than he thought who held him higher than insignificant, most especially after debut.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

This was actually way longer than intended but idk I hope you enjoyed it lmao
My apologies for not including everyone in this story, I swear to god all of yall are gonna get equal parts next chapter
But damn this was fun to write actually, I wrote the vast majority of it today because my writers block finally went, BUT if that means it's sloppy in some places, my apologies

Quick note, i also entered this story in for the #WattyAwards2017 or whatever tf they're called so honestly??? it's unrealistic but I hope I'm in the shortlist \(0-0)/

IVYTAE slutdae holykris -hyunjin bubblegumsuga amodeous

— AMY.

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