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In new situations, all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you, and the ones you can't Google.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

She's standing in a parking lot. And she's standing under a streetlight. Her hair's so blonde, it's flashing at you. It's burning out your retinas one fucking cone at a time. She leans forward and grabs your T-shirt. And she's standing on tiptoe now. She's reaching for you. She smells like black tea and American Spirits — and when her mouth hits your ear, you wonder if she remembers your name.

Choi Juyong was the only one out twelve trainees that took fiction writing classes, in the practically menopausal building called college. They were encouraged to attend the same dreary, dead-end college as each other, which did nothing to broaden horizons as it did to make everyone sick of everyone. Fiction writing was the only class he had away from them.

"I can't believe you've already finished that shitty Literature assignment," his science partner Lyosha would whisper sharply, during the ritual of copying things down from the board.

Juyong, pretending to care about the importance of having the periodic table drawn into his book, would just ignore him.

You learn to do that when you're surrounded by people like him.

JYP, a seemingly fixed point in a revolving world, decided their trainees would need one very short day off in order to kick back and relax after months of straight-line training. They set very strict rules — no breaking the law, no driving, and no crashing weddings. Most of which everyone took no notice of.

Juyong, being the responsible, intellectual boy he is, decided he would finish the ten-thousand word assignment for fiction writing, while everyone else engaged in something called not doing a necessary Literature assignment and leaving it the night before.

Thus, Juyong took refuge in the public library, hiding himself with a pile of books with the offchance of anyone recognising him kept in mind. It was quiet, spacious, and there was a 1920's chandelier hanging from the ceiling, quite ignored.

It was how he imagined Jimin's house to look like, the way he described it.

He continued like this for a solid hour, working on his fiction writing piece. He was using pen on paper, his piece covered in small smudges where he'd hastily crossed something out. It was going smoothly.

"What's up, Prince?"

Juyong shot his head up, peering over the top of his book fortress. Someone, whoever it may be, had recognised him. How?

"I can see you on Snapchat map, don't look so surprised." He recognised the voice as Huang Zhoixei. He spoke steadily, like his voice was a running freshwater stream he had to restrain. When Juyong stood up, he noticed Zhoixei had dyed his hair a sophisticated shade of white blonde, like a male version of Elsa.

The latter caught him staring, and stuck out his tongue. "Like my new hair? Got it done today." He pulled out a seat opposite Juyong, no questions asked. He sat on it wrongly, resting his hands on the back of the chair.

"What are you doing here?" Juyong asked, sounding a little too demanding.

Zhoixei shrugged. "You're lonely. Nobody else is near you on Snapchat maps. Lyosha and Jimin are out in the countryside being posh bitches. Taejin and Jinsu are at a strawberry farm like a bunch of old people. Kyungsoo? He fucked off somewhere."


"Well I don't know. Probably off to see Joy. You know they have a dog together?"

Juyong asked, rather awkwardly, "Who's Joy?" before his mind clicked. "Oh, Sooyoung. That's his sister, right?"

"It's a poodle or something, I don't know, and it's called Huchu," Zhoixei continued, as if this was all naturally-occurring information. He ignored Juyong's question.

"Pepper," said Juyong.

Zhoixei gave him a bemused look.

"That's what Huchu means." Foreigners.

He stuck out his bottom lip childishly. "I thought it was just a name."

"Why are you telling me this?" Juyong asked, cutting straight to the point.

"I got no friends, Dragon, and I would greatly appreciate it if you and I were on good terms before we debut ourselves. Got it?" He started swinging on his chair, hoping to make things less awkward.

"You've done this with everyone, haven't you?" Juyong said, smartly. This was the most unlike thing Zhoixei had ever done — which explains why he was being so stupid about it.

"Can I not be called out like this directly, please, Juyong?" Zhoixei smirked. He held out his hand through the gap in Juyong's book fortress. "Shake."

"That's your left hand," he said, but shook it anyway.

Zhoixei removed The Order of the Phoenix from the top of the pile, so he could make direct eye contact with Juyong. "Let's go find Kyungsoo. I'm really in the mood to pet a dog right now."

"Please don't tell Mom," she giggles.
"Which part should I leave out?" you ask her. "The hair? Or the stupid hipster cigarettes?"
She pulls meanly at your T-shirt, and you shove her back like she's twelve. And she practically is — she's so young. And you're so tired.
"You suck," she says. And she's reeling. She's swaying again under the streetlight.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
this literally went nowhere, and i know the focus was mainly on juyong instead of zhoixei so i apologise. next chapter i'll probably focus on kyungsoo and his sister (joy) because i tried writing about three people and failed.

also! an interesting thing to know! my teacher made us write 500 word stories and i adapted the scene from the first chapter and added a lot of very sneakily borrowed quotes. i'll probably update you to let you know what grade i get for it 👀

IVYTAE slutdae holykris amodeous -hyunjin bubblegumsuga

— AMY.

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